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Hey brother Deep Water Culture morning, afternoon or evening to you all. So
I have a favor to ask. If and when you all get a chance, be sure to stop by our new site sponsored grow and vote for which strains you would like to see grown out.

It would be greatly appreciated if you all could do so. We really want to get a great viewing audience for this grow. It here to showcase the seedmadness catalog and to give you all a great grow show. Again when you have time please be sure to stop by aand vote on the poll. Thank you again for the continued support.
Hey brother Deep Water Culture morning, afternoon or evening to you all. So
I have a favor to ask. If and when you all get a chance, be sure to stop by our new site sponsored grow and vote for which strains you would like to see grown out.

It would be greatly appreciated if you all could do so. We really want to get a great viewing audience for this grow. It here to showcase the seedmadness catalog and to give you all a great grow show. Again when you have time please be sure to stop by aand vote on the poll. Thank you again for the continued support.

Good idea Butcher !! I went with Jack Herrer Indica, and Sour Diesil for the Sativa !
Hey brother Deep Water Culture morning, afternoon or evening to you all. So
I have a favor to ask. If and when you all get a chance, be sure to stop by our new site sponsored grow and vote for which strains you would like to see grown out.

It would be greatly appreciated if you all could do so. We really want to get a great viewing audience for this grow. It here to showcase the seedmadness catalog and to give you all a great grow show. Again when you have time please be sure to stop by aand vote on the poll. Thank you again for the continued support.

You got my vote Butcher.

I chose the one I had never heard of and found difficult to pronounce; Matanuska Tundra Sagarmatha. So I did some research and, yeah, why not? Sounds a little bit finnicky to me. May provide some mis-adventures during the grow. Mold could become an issue. Looking forward to whatever you end up growing.


my Deep Water Culture friends I need some fast advice,, I checked the water level on my girls and they are down 2 gallons in 36 hrs.. last water change was the first time they got full question is should I just top of the resivours with ph'd water or add a bit of nutes to the water and top it off??? please look at my grow and let me know the best way to do this....the newest photos on my grow are on page 2. and were taken on day is only day 17..
my Deep Water Culture friends I need some fast advice,, I checked the water level on my girls and they are down 2 gallons in 36 hrs.. last water change was the first time they got full question is should I just top of the resivours with ph'd water or add a bit of nutes to the water and top it off??? please look at my grow and let me know the best way to do this....the newest photos on my grow are on page 2. and were taken on day is only day 17..

With full nutes recently and the plants less than 20 days old, I would just top off with ph'd water and keep an eye on them. Do you have a ppm meter? If so, what has your reading been for the last 3 days?

I really don't have experience with clones (yet), so keep that in mind when you read my advice. They certainly look very healthy. There are two schools of thought here. When I first learned to grow, when I added a gallon of water I also added 1/6 nutes. Now, what I do is add 1/2 nutes on drain and replenish day, 2 days later add 1/4 nutes and 2 days after that add 1/4 nutes. The days in between, I'll add some Liquid Karma, Cal Mag plus and Floraliscious Plus. Some on this site would consider my feeding schedule too conservative, and would prefer to run it a little hotter. Like I said, there are two schools of thought. I like the conservative approach as it helps to avoid disasters like nute lock. You have to be a really experienced grower to run very hot. Mostly Crazy is such a person and a much more experienced grower than I. But in the meantime, less is better.


With full nutes recently and the plants less than 20 days old, I would just top off with ph'd water and keep an eye on them. Do you have a ppm meter? If so, what has your reading been for the last 3 days?

I really don't have experience with clones (yet), so keep that in mind when you read my advice. They certainly look very healthy.



I do not have a ppm meter... gues its time to go pick one up.. my ph meter is my only one at this point.. my ph is great its floating between 5.8 and 6.0..
my Deep Water Culture friends I need some fast advice,, I checked the water level on my girls and they are down 2 gallons in 36 hrs.. last water change was the first time they got full question is should I just top of the resivours with ph'd water or add a bit of nutes to the water and top it off??? please look at my grow and let me know the best way to do this....the newest photos on my grow are on page 2. and were taken on day is only day 17..

Daily, once a day, we replace the missing water and proportion of nutes.
From the Tutorial:

Weekly Drain and Replinish

Topping Off the Tank's Reservoir

I have tried to not use scientific terms or even get very technical, but I might have to, to explain something that needs explaining here. I really do own 14 books on Hydroponic Indoor Growing. And I have studied them too. Some of the books were written simply, and some are difficult for me to comprehend and even more difficult for me to explain. They all vary a little on the perfect pH level, and they all vary on LIGHTING, some books were written way before CFLs were sold, or when CFLs were new on the scene. But they all agree on Topping Off the tank and Draining and Replenishing the water and nutrients.

To address this, I am going to post it twice to be sure I explain it. You will need to read both explanations.

After the nutes are added to the tank and the pH is balanced, the plants start eating, consuming the food. Logically, the larger the tank, the more water there is, and the more nutes you need. Logically, the larger the plants, the more they will eat from the tank. Logically, the more plants that are in the tank, the more they will eat. And logically, the more they eat, the more nutes that you need in the tank. The amount of nutes provided is in relationship to the amount of water, NOT the amount of plants. It is the Ratio or Proportion in the water that is important. The amount of nutes added to the tank are measured by we commonly call a PPM Meter, PPM meaning parts per million.

The Instructions on the nutrients contain the proper amount of nutes to add to the water, usually determined by "per gallon", and not by "per plant" or "size of plants". In the beginning, we start with 1/4 dose of nutrients, because a full dose is meant for full grown plants. If we use a ppm meter, we seek a ppm of 150 to 250 ppms above the ppm of the water, on average for small young sprouts, it varies from nutrient to nutrient. As the plants grow, we then slowly and gradually increase the nutrients fed to them, and consequently we increase the ppm. By the time the plants are over a foot tall, we will be in the neighborhood of a ppm of 600, then 800 on up to 1200 ppm. Some growers risk even higher ppms, watching the leaves tips for yellowing, to know when to back off with feedings. And as we add more food, the plants grow and eat more, indicated by them also drinking more water. As a rule of thumb, we figure if they drank half of the water, they then must of ate half the food. That is close to being right, but not precisely. If the grow room was exceptionly HOT, they can drink more water without eating more food. And consequently, some days, they eat more, some days they eat less, regardless of the amount of the water missing.

As they eat, they do not eat all of the delivered nutes at the same rate, or same proportion, and that changes the pH and the ppm. It also changes what they call the RNC, or RELATIONSHIP OF NUTRIENT CONCENTRATION. That CHANGE is not easy to calculate or measure, like the ppm or pH is easy to measure.
When the nutrients are first introduced or added, the RNC is perfect, or properly proportioned. In other words, there are specific amounts or precise amounts of each needed nutrient. The exact amount of needed Nitrogen, Phosphorous, and Potash, also commonly called Potassium are present and available for food for the plants.

BUT, as the plants eat, they do not eat all of the nutrients in a perfect proportion or at a perfect rate or equal rate. Some days, they want what grows longer roots, some days, they want what makes more leaves. The plants actually nibble at some nutrients in the mix each day, and gobble down some others. Some of the nutrients are not hardly eaten at all, some are absorbed very quickly. This creates an IMBALANCE of the mix. If you add more water and nutes daily to replace the eaten nutes, (CALLED TOPPING OFF) the IMBALANCE INCREASES. If you only add plain water daily, again, Top It Off, you still get the imbalance. AND the nutes not eaten, or the nutes that are increased daily cause a build up of nutes, and that creates a BAD imbalance of the RNC.
When this happens, the water becomes TOXIC and unusable even tho the ppm meter says there is a proper amount of nutrients. The plants say I AM NOT HAPPY WITH THE BUFFET and like a spoiled child unhappy at the dinner table, they suddenly refuse to eat anything. This is called NUTRITIONAL LOCKOUT. This happens even tho the ppm meter says there are plenty of parts per million of nutes in the water. The ppm meter does not indicate if the nutrients are balanced or at a toxic level. It just indicates there is plenty of food on the table.

THIS IS WHY WE MUST DRAIN AND REPLENISH WEEKLY, regardless of whether we TOP OFF with plain water, or TOP OFF with water and a fractional dose of nutes.
Changing the water weekly maintains the proper RNC.


Same tune, different words.

Weekly Drain and Replinish

Topping Off the Tank's Reservoir

Daily Maintenance of the reservoir is mostly keeping the pH at the proper level, and keeping the same level of water in the tank as it is used or evaporates. It is also keeping the nutrient mix or nutrient solution at a proper level, a level that is NOT toxic or too strong.
In the day to day course of maintaining the tank two problems occur. Remember how we discussed ppm, parts per million? Then we discussed RNC, RELATIONSHIP OF NUTRIENT CONCENTRATION. Well, we also need to discuss TDS, Total Disolved Salts. (Some books say Total Disolved Solids, for some reason unknown to me) As the water evaporates or is consumed, the concentration of TDS becomes stronger, to the point of being Toxic. The TDS increase as the amount of water decreases. This creates the need to replenish the water, to replace the water, to "top off". As we replace that missing water, we create an IMBALANCE. Hydroponic grown plants eat what they need, as they need it, and they leave some nutes to build up and accumalate into a posionious or toxic level.
This creates the need to daily TOP IT OFF. (to put a cut on it) I have already discussed starting Feedings and Draining and Replenishing in this thread twice. It is simple enough, daily replace what you estimate is gone, consumed, eaten, and absorbed.

But weekly, you need to clear the buffet table and start all over with fresh foods. This gives the plant not only a well balanced buffet table to eat from, but also supplies it with FRESH Food that has not been altered by the plants being picky and choosey.

And, there is the Growth Spurt you will get during the Drain, as the roots get a 5 to 15 mintues air bath. It also gives you the opportunity to look for crimped air hoses, scrub the air stones clean and look for debris and trash in the tank that messes with the pH balance.

Also, as the water ages, undesirable harmful microbes appear and grow in the water. You also take the chance of insect larvae and algae appearing, and weekly draining the tank helps prevent those problems too.
I want to thank you all for stopping by and adding to the grow. It really makes a difference. I must give credit to 420, Seedmadness and Soniq for putting help getting everything together. The staff here is awsome. Hopefully some of you will join us one day.:grinjoint: I'm working on getting the poll issue worked out. Outside of that, I will be getting some new equipment for the grow. All that will be brought to the table once the poll is complete.

And you all will proud to know that I will be running all the plants in their own DWC buckets. So hopefully I can help showcase what some Deep Water Culture can do as well. I think its a nice twist on the grow. You hardly ever see larger grows utilizing this system style.
Roseman, thank you.. not only do you have all the answers but the reason behind the answer..
I decied to just do a total water change and go to flower.the girls are showing their desire to flower so why not just givem a nice air bath, clean their room, and change the light cycle and light bulb. HPS on 12 12 here we go.....
Roseman, do you ever get sick of all the praise you get constantly? (doubt it!) You are quite the orginal internet celeb. I wonder what would come up on google if you type in Roseman. haha
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