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Sounds interesting. the points are going to have to reach like 100K before you could buy a pipe. Better yet they should setup a system with if you buy from sponsers you earn more 420 points. take our a loan for points and pay it back you get that plus a little extra to help you the next go around. 5K points equals a dollar. I wonder how it will work though in the end. Beacuse people like Irishboy, RM and plenty other sell products for sponsers not to mention the seedbanks on here. they needa get amazon to sponser them and Walmart lmao
my favorite

LMAO Random
Are you serious with that warning omg

Green the recipe is the easiest I have seen. I bet you can use it for other things as well. If you try it first let me know if it works for meds or are you just a stoner...well let me know that as well.
It only matters if points and reps feed your ego. I personally couldn't care less since it won't change my life. I may say rep me or some other nonsense sometimes but it is all for fun.

Will reps or points pay my bills...NO so then they are useless to me in the real world.

Feel free to rep me for this post:rofl:

I offered McDonalds 5,000 of my points and they told me if I would put a dollar with them, I could trade for a large FRY.

If you click on someone else's DONATE you will see that 420 and the staff are no longer listed there. I think we are about to hear what the points are all about very soon.

My guess is it's doing just what it is intended for...get people more active on the boards. ;)
But I hope some kind of incentive will be thrown in to really kick it up! :)
Anybody know if Attitude Seeds give a discount to 420 members?

After taking a look at their site and getting some info from u guys, I'm thinking of getting the Barneys Farm G13 Haze Feminized and the Mazar x Skunk #1(don't want to say the name).

If anybody has any other strains to look at please let me know.:peace:
Myzz617 that is way too many points to buy something. Why you putting ideas in there heads.

TinyBubbles good for not using the name cause you aren't aloud to. I don't think they give a discount but if you click sponsors at the top it will list them all along if there are discounts.
Anybody know if Attitude Seeds give a discount to 420 members?

After taking a look at their site and getting some info from u guys, I'm thinking of getting the Barneys Farm G13 Haze Feminized and the Mazar x Skunk #1(don't want to say the name).

If anybody has any other strains to look at please let me know.:peace:

coupon code=420 :D
Anybody know if Attitude Seeds give a discount to 420 members?

After taking a look at their site and getting some info from u guys, I'm thinking of getting the Barneys Farm G13 Haze Feminized and the Mazar x Skunk #1(don't want to say the name).

If anybody has any other strains to look at please let me know.:peace:

Yes, use "420", they are a sponsor.
Lol ok so i can edit i wont quote as i just did. I spelled coupon wrong though which is why other posts came in prior to my final. Smoke and gaming time F it
I think we should get discounts cause if they are a sponsor they are getting a huge revenue stream from here. I think they need to readjust there prices to meet or rather beat others and they will be huge.
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