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was fun, I brought the wrong board man..that long board weighs close to 90 lbs.. rides awesome but sucked to carry down to the beach.. San O is ok.. Surf was fun, walk sucked. I got some great rides, but I will stick to my nice left that I like In La Jolla.. its 50 feet from the pkg lot to the water and nobody is usually there.. nice hollow left, and powerful when it picks the swell up..
lol i told ya the walk is a beast, especially after a long day of surfing and with a big board, i'm glad u had fun

the realy bad part was I forgot my shoes when I left the house.. that walk sucksssss barefoot...were taking the boat out 2moro going to go his some spots along sunset cliffs and a few other spots that are only accessable by boat.. Im going to do some fishing out at the kelp beds too. so it should be a kick ass day
Your tent bars should all be level, no dipping into the middle. I have not seen a tent made to do that, not for growing tents. I did research a lot of tents.

Hey Joe (reminds me of a song!), I'm probably not explaining it right, but there are 2 bars that are shaped kinda weird.
I took some pictures, and when I figure out how to post them, you'll see what I mean.

As for your other question (I don't know how to do multi-quotes either), I got the tent as a closeout and there is no name on the box or on that wonderfully useless direction sheet.
All that is written on the box is "Made in China", and the size of it in centimeters.

Thanks for answering!:thanks:

Okay. I must be dense, or high, or something, but for the life of me I can't figure out how to hang my lights inside my grow tent!
I bought those yo-yo hangers and "S" hooks to hang them from the little bars at the top of the tent, but the CFLs are too light and they roll right back up!
So I went and bought small pulleys and hung those from the "S" hooks, and ran ropes through them to the lights, but the weight drags the "S" hooks to the center of the tent and the lights don't stay where I put them since there's nowhere to tie the ropes to.
Since the directions for the tent were useless, I'm wondering if maybe I put the bars at the top in wrong, and that's why I'm having a problem.

I was going to take pictures to give an idea of what I am talking about, but I dropped my camera on the tile floor (damn hands), and it pretty much exploded into about 20 pieces! :yikes:

If anyone has any ideas, they would be greatly appreciated as this is all that is holding me up from starting my grow. :helpsmilie: :thanks:


I know exactly what you are talking about. My solution was to take a pencil and wrap the string around it a couple of times. When the hanger retracts it will stop when it hits the pencil. Also it's easy to adjust, just release the pressure and slide the pencil.
Hey Joe (reminds me of a song!), I'm probably not explaining it right, but there are 2 bars that are shaped kinda weird.
I took some pictures, and when I figure out how to post them, you'll see what I mean.

As for your other question (I don't know how to do multi-quotes either), I got the tent as a closeout and there is no name on the box or on that wonderfully useless direction sheet.
All that is written on the box is "Made in China", and the size of it in centimeters.

Thanks for answering!:thanks:


to mulit qoute click the little thing directly to the right of the QUOTE button on each post you want to multi quote then on the last post you want to include simply click Quote and it will include everything that you multi quoted..
to upload a photo click the gallery thing on the top tool bar (where the forums and 420 things are) then follow the instructions from there...
Those yo-yo hanger things came with my light and I had the same issue. they wont pull down but they retract right back up,,I took a small piece of wire and poked it through the string so it wouldnt retract past that wire.. it worked for a few days but was more hastle than it was worth.. ended up just buying some chain and junking the yo yo's

Okay, well at least now I know it's not just me! :)

I already got some chains to use, and I'm going to try hooking everything up tomorrow.
If I get the lights hung, I can finally start germinating my seeds and get my grow started.

Thanks for answering. :thanks:

hey whats fellas , i have a question .. this plant been veg for at least a 5-6 weeks .. im about to enter the flowering cycle , but what light schedule should i go with , 12 on/ 12 off right away or should i turn em off for 24 hours then start 12/12 ? .. thanks in advance is my baby =D

I know exactly what you are talking about. My solution was to take a pencil and wrap the string around it a couple of times. When the hanger retracts it will stop when it hits the pencil. Also it's easy to adjust, just release the pressure and slide the pencil.

See? Like I said, I must be dense, or high, or something!
Why didn't I think of that! :laughtwo:

I think I'm just going to go with the chains and say the heck with it.

Thanks for answering. :thanks:

to mulit qoute click the little thing directly to the right of the QUOTE button on each post you want to multi quote then on the last post you want to include simply click Quote and it will include everything that you multi quoted..
to upload a photo click the gallery thing on the top tool bar (where the forums and 420 things are) then follow the instructions from there...

Thank you, very much!
You just saved me from searching the help files to figure that stuff out.
Only thing is, do I upload the pics to where it says member galleries or off topic, or some place else?

Thanks again. :thanks:

Okay, let's see if I can do this!

That is a dime in my hand to show how thin the bars are.


This is a pic of all the bars in the tent with the pulleys hanging from them.


Closeup of one of the two indented bars.


Pic of one of the bowed bars inside the tent.


Pic of bowed bar removed.


Since it seems that I can do the pics, tomorrow I'll take pics of my homemade lighting system and the rest of my setup.

Thanks for all the help guys! :thanks:

Hey Roseman,
I checked out the Northern Lights Haze by Sensi on Attitude's site. Those babies ain't cheap. I did put 420 into the coupon code, and it took off 10%. I thought that was pretty cool. I was thinking tryimg them because they were a sponser but now I am for sure.
Junmr2 - Your choice on the 24 hour stutter step as I like to call it. Did you pick your 12/12 time yet? When I'm in the flower stage (not me personally, my plants) I go lights off at 8pm and on at 8am. Some like to go lights out during the day to keep the res temps down as it is cooler at night. You have to make sure you are light tight before you go 12/12.

TB, Yes I like the BF line. Only done one strain myself but it's a winner in my book. All seeds were bought as fem and were fem.

Hey everyone, well I think I have good news, my runt of my first op has shown me she is a SHE. Problem is she is still pretty small. The other plants are the ones I was going to 12 and 12 and then forget about this one but today I seen the above hairs coming off of her.
What should I do, just keep on keeping on with it and see what happens or try to get her back on 18/6 on her own for a while. This plant is only 12-14" in height.
HMMMM, any suggestions would be great. At that height what could I ever get for something to smoke off that you know?
Thanks for your input everyone.
Hello bubblefriends, I am seeking experience and opinions on something. I am considering a staggered harvest as 2 of my plants are seemingly going to finish before the other. They are in the same resevoir. I have never done this before, my concern is with the roots of the harvested plants. Will they start to decay and cause a myriad of problems with the remaining plant? I estimate the late one will finish 1-2 weeks after the other 2. Any thoughts?
Flower her at this point. 12-14" = 24-30" at finish and you can get some worth while bud from a plant that size. With a plant that is mismatched in size you do what is best for the group and hope it catches up a little along the way. You never know about those runts. Flowerig could be it's strong suit.
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