The seedling killer

Once a day cos its been really hot
Oh dammm... K wish I knew earlier you were watering them once a day that's too much for seedlings, That could be it right there your drowning the roots!
Oh dammm... K wish I knew earlier you were watering them once a day that's too much for seedlings, That could be it right there your drowning the roots!
There you go your in good hands now if anyone knows how to bring a plant back its Emilya! :)
I don't know... :)

Yes, these are saveable, but please, let them dry out. Get a postal scale and measure a similar container full of dry soil. Don't water until you achieve all but about 30 grams of that dry weight. Every time you move them through a wet/dry cycle, more roots will grow and the plant will get stronger. Learn the Lift the Pot method... its better than the scale once you trust it. You are going to lose some lower leaves now because of the root shutdown, but don't let it bother you. From here on out, water properly, and they will thrive.
hey guys im need of some help .well heres my issue. I've been trying to grow GDP got the seeds from 420 they guarantee germination which always works out well and they sprout fine but, my 2 attempts hve turned out all bad after starting off very ,very well around day 10 shit goes bad very fast first the round set of leaves begins to yellow by day 15 the first set of Serrated leaves curl under which in my case is DOOMED to failure. My 4x4 tent is powered by 2-315 sunsystems lec lamps also hve 2 ocilating 6in fans 1 6in intake fan along with 6in exhaust filter and fan . My soil in my first attempt i used foxfarm ocean forest . Well that grow ended in doom
So back to the drawing board i went but this time i tried foxfarm warrior seedling starter and after reading thd bag it says to add big bloom fertilizer 4tsb per gallon and low and behold here we go again 1 plant went belly up almost instantly the other 6 look very sickly and its only a matter of time for their demise the leaves are curling under and yellowing. Now my temp has been rather warm over the past few weeks cos of the heat here in California. My lights are abt 4ft away now cos i believe it to be heat but still no change i stops using the big bloom after the 1st plant took a dive . So I've ordered more seeds and I'm going in again .Once to new seeds arrive . But looking for any kind of advice my situation prior to my new seeds cos I'm not giving up HELP . As you can see things look bleak
What's your watering technique? You're doing everything right but obviously something is off. I take a shot glass and pour a little circle around her but not to close to the plant. Wait a couple days n do it again. I make her so thirsty shes got no choice but to send out new roots. Try that
I don't know... :)

Yes, these are saveable, but please, let them dry out. Get a postal scale and measure a similar container full of dry soil. Don't water until you achieve all but about 30 grams of that dry weight. Every time you move them through a wet/dry cycle, more roots will grow and the plant will get stronger. Learn the Lift the Pot method... its better than the scale once you trust it. You are going to lose some lower leaves now because of the root shutdown, but don't let it bother you. From here on out, water properly, and they will thrive.
I've been watering your style for a few years now and OMG the results since are awesome. I'll show you a pic of the trunk on my plant!!!! And from erosion I can see a couple roots but really I should call them cables! I'm going to have to literally cut the bucket in have to get her out! Thank you for that lol cant find pic but I'll get one! Massive rootball
Being that they are seedlings i don't water to the point of run off I'm just using tap water tho
Bingo - tap water is your problem

pH test
PPM test

If its city water then you need to let the water off gas the chlorine over night.

I began running RO water in the city. Moved to a well it was even worse with alkalinity and ppms.

Seedlings only need like a few LED home bulbs say 10w each 2 is good. Till the plants get bigger and put a clip fan on them to harden them off sooner. They can sit under those light bulbs for 2 weeks or more until they get 2-3 sets of true leaves then you can ramp up the lighting.

Also I grow seedlings in peat pellets they dont need anything in the soil since cotyledons are giving them all the nutrients they need. So hot soil stops the roots from growing at the early seedling stage as does problem water.
There is nothing wrong with tap water if you are not running hydro or an organic grow. The fear of chlorine is one of those bro-science myths that started out on the internet, a perfect foil to allow the proponent of removing it sound like a guru. The truth is that the chlorine in tap water does not hurt one single thing... as a matter of fact, chlorine is one of the elements the plant needs.

The problem is that you are not watering correctly. You are watering with more than the plants can use, even if you are not watering to runoff, and you are doing it way too often. When the plant can't use all the water you are supplying between waterings, gravity drops it to the bottom of the container, and as a result the bottom feeder/tap roots have been underwater and drowning, ever since you started. It is absolutely necessary to dry the soil out all the way to the bottom, between each watering. Looking any further than your own methods and assumptions for a clue to this continued problem, is only going to keep it going until you open yourself up to the possibility that YOU are drowning your young plants.
Emilya, i hve started a new grow and i will be watering as you hve suggested in ur previous post . Keep ur fingers crossed. I hope i may shed the seedling killer title


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