The strech before flowering?

Seems a bit early to me, too. If I'm interpreting the chart correctly here: looks like you're still experiencing less than 10 hours of darkness per day. That's assuming an open horizon (so to speak), of course, as opposed to a deep-woods situation.

BtW, I am thinking you mean the flowering stretch - the growth that accompanies the first 40% or so of the flowering phase. Because "the stretch before flowering" would be the vegetative growth phase, lol.

Maybe it's just healthy vegetative growth. I've had plants begin to flower when set outside after they were started indoors, due to the abrupt change in light schedule - but that occurred much earlier in the year than this, when day length was still increasing (and, therefore, night length was longer than it currently is).

Another thing: If you have transplanted these plants into the ground, or even just into larger containers, then they might have entered a period of slow/minimal growth above the soil while they concentrated resources on developing a larger root system... and, once that had been accomplished, gone back to a normal growth rate. If so, that might be perceived (once the switch occurs) as suddenly "taking off."

IDK. Just speculating.
5 weeks Transplanted outside grow.
It’s still veg phase.
Flower will start next month.
From research I have done and my personal experience they will begin the flowering phase with less than 15 hours of light. So say, if you were in Cleveland you are getting 14 hours and 54 minutes today so theoretically would be beginning to stretch for a few days now.
you can go to and enter your location for accurate times.
hope this helps :D
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