TheBlaze - Strawberry Diesel & Darlin's Net Pheno Hunt

re: TheBlaze - Strawberry Diesel & Darlin's Net Pheno Hunt


Day 15 from seed

Plants are still growing incredibly well, although I see what looks like the start of a mag deficiency. I'm not too worried though. Not going to chase a fix just yet.

re: TheBlaze - Strawberry Diesel & Darlin's Net Pheno Hunt

I notice now that it is just the strawberry diesels displaying the dark green veins. The purple envy's seem unaffected.
re: TheBlaze - Strawberry Diesel & Darlin's Net Pheno Hunt

I notice now that it is just the strawberry diesels displaying the dark green veins. The purple envy's seem unaffected.
Looking good blaze.i must say and i can be wrong but they look a bit bigger than the others did on day 15?

For calmag you still use normal calmag from gt or is there another replacement?
re: TheBlaze - Strawberry Diesel & Darlin's Net Pheno Hunt

Yeah, they are pretty hasty girls. Even the wonky one is coming right.

That is a good question bud. I'm not sure actually. I'm hesitant to use calmag in organics. Will have to do some reading up.
re: TheBlaze - Strawberry Diesel & Darlin's Net Pheno Hunt

I think i red a thread once where rock ash or dolomite lime was used for calcuim and mollases or epson salt for magnesuim.

I had a argument with a fellow grower on organic.where he uses egg shells and epson salts and later on he wil use bonemeal which in my opinion isnt true organic as it is a animal by product?but every man to himself i guess.i am keeping this journal close i see im learning with you haha
re: TheBlaze - Strawberry Diesel & Darlin's Net Pheno Hunt

Yeah those animals that are made from non organic matter :rofl::rofl::rofl:
re: TheBlaze - Strawberry Diesel & Darlin's Net Pheno Hunt

Use dolamite or mortar pestle some garden lime
re: TheBlaze - Strawberry Diesel & Darlin's Net Pheno Hunt

Epsom salts are all man made.. organic... not sure they even mine it anymore..
re: TheBlaze - Strawberry Diesel & Darlin's Net Pheno Hunt

Use dolamite or mortar pestle some garden lime

Thanks bud. I believe there is lime in the soil mix already. Although maybe the seedling mix doesn't have much in it. I don't know. At this point I'm not too stressed. They still look pretty good, and growing like beasts. :thumb:

...Molasses contains both calcium and magnesium...I've used it and epsom salt(both sparingly) this year as I am also trying my hand at organic...cheerz...h00k...:hookah:

Thanks bud. Will definitely be looking into that.

Here he is out in the yard. :thumb:


Looking the business man. Beautiful dog DW!
re: TheBlaze - Strawberry Diesel & Darlin's Net Pheno Hunt

I think i red a thread once where rock ash or dolomite lime was used for calcuim and mollases or epson salt for magnesuim.

I had a argument with a fellow grower on organic.where he uses egg shells and epson salts and later on he wil use bonemeal which in my opinion isnt true organic as it is a animal by product?but every man to himself i guess.i am keeping this journal close i see im learning with you haha

I would think bonemeal is organic as well. ;) I'm pretty sure the soil I'm using has it in.

I see molasses get's mentioned more than once. Was going to get some anyway, but only use it later in the grow. Might incorporate it early on now.

re: TheBlaze - Strawberry Diesel & Darlin's Net Pheno Hunt

Found some epsom salts at home. Will take it with to the grow, and foliar spray if it gets worse.
re: TheBlaze - Strawberry Diesel & Darlin's Net Pheno Hunt

Found some epsom salts at home. Will take it with to the grow, and foliar spray if it gets worse.

Yup. There's organic calmag too. My water has almost no Ca/Mg so I amend my flower soil with Roots Elemental which has a couple different types of Ca, and a good dose of Mg, with Fish too. Pretty much solved my Ca/Mg issue going into flower. Foliar is way under utilized imo. I'm sure there's some synths in my foliar and a tiny amount in an additive or two that I use. Don't get religious about it is my advice, just use what works. :thumb: Molasses is often a nice micro boost, but I agree use sparingly until early-mid flower.
re: TheBlaze - Strawberry Diesel & Darlin's Net Pheno Hunt

Thanks brother. I do have some of those OCD feels. :rofl: Sometimes it's good to be reminded to just chill the fuck out.
re: TheBlaze - Strawberry Diesel & Darlin's Net Pheno Hunt

Don't get religious about it.. well said carestaker.. go from growing using chems to week later not touching anything non organic, is funny.
re: TheBlaze - Strawberry Diesel & Darlin's Net Pheno Hunt

Ya know...for years I have and will continue to balk at buying organic vegetables(when my own supply runs out)...IMHO...they are grossly over priced!...when it comes to far...I've found it less expensive to feed the girlz than using designer fancy named nutes!...which brings to mind another thought...if Yer not going organic/high brix/living soil...why not just go Miracle Gro(way less bucks...and Ya' can always balance Ph)...just my suspicions...prolly come from the same place...I've used it in the past with quite respectable results...excuse the the ramblings of an ole fart after some west coast OG...cheerz...hook...:hookah:
re: TheBlaze - Strawberry Diesel & Darlin's Net Pheno Hunt

Maybe small scale is cheaper organic but as you go up in size, labour raw material base rates increase at a higher percentage than a chemical grow, that stays consistent in price and actually decreasing per acre as you up scale..
re: TheBlaze - Strawberry Diesel & Darlin's Net Pheno Hunt

Ok, I will temper my enthusiasm. :cheesygrinsmiley:

BTW, not wanting to use calcium nitrate and magnesium nitrate had nothing to do with being a zealot, but rather I was worried I might damage the microbial life in the soil. Everything I've read harps on about the importance of this balance in organic grows, and that salt nutrients kill off these microbes.
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