Strawberry Sour D & Strawberry Cheesecake Scrog

Anyone know when the main stages of bud swelling occur?

No I don't. Been wondering the same thing. I think they put most of their size on the final 2-3 weeks of flower from what I have read but I am sure that probably is open to some debate and could vary from strain to strain.
In my experience, they'll do most of their bud growing in weeks 4-6 at a pretty steady pace. They'll firm up in weeks 7-9 (for a 8 week strain) and add about 20-40% mass without really going much volume. Keeping the plant well nourished/balanced (not pounded with fertilizers) and having them available (PH) throughout flower is critical for volume. It's the reason I love coco. You get to reset the root zone every day. Genetics have a big impact on how a plant produces also as not every seed is a winner. You need to grow a few pure indicas and sativas to see how they truly differ in development. Then when you play with hybrids, you'll identify both traits as they develop.

Plants look great! Good job!!
Strawberry Sour D & Strawberry Cheesecake Scrog

Thanks for the input everyone .been battling the temperature got it covering at 30 atm, bought the fan up in line with a the canopy right under the light to try and help.

And on another note...
I have two clones that i just left to root on the window side. I left them in soil and the. Decided to wack them in coco. I dug out the plants from the soil and carefully washed the soil away (went easier then expected) a few roots here and there maybe dropped off and i may off completely destroyed the smallest ones roots but i put it in the coco anyway. The bigger of the plants had a very good root system i was very surprised by.

Its got some weird growth coming on very slowly any ideas on whats up? U der a 250w hps
Re: Strawberry Sour D & Strawberry Cheesecake Scrog

Thanks for the input everyone .been battling the temperature got it covering at 30 atm, bought the fan up in line with a the canopy right under the light to try and help.

And on another note...
I have two clones that i just left to root on the window side. I left them in soil and the. Decided to wack them in coco. I dug out the plants from the soil and carefully washed the soil away (went easier then expected) a few roots here and there maybe dropped off and i may off completely destroyed the smallest ones roots but i put it in the coco anyway. The bigger of the plants had a very good root system i was very surprised by.

Its got some weird growth coming on very slowly any ideas on whats up? U der a 250w hps

Just running my first grow here and doing my first clones as well JB so I can't offer anything. Perhaps it is stress related. I would consider letting it grow out some more and see what happens if it isn't showing anything else crazy. Perhaps there is a more experienced grower than can chime in if they have experienced anything like this.

Question for you JB, when you said you stuck them in soil....did you stick them directly in soil (as in not rooting them in rockwool or rapid rooters first)? I do that with my tomato plants all the time with a near 100% success rate. I have been considering trying just taking the clone and putting the cutting directly into soil and see if it will take.
Im one of many right now battling souring heat temperatures!

Hate to say it but cant wait for the weather to die down!

My ladies are nearing the end of their journey. I will be running on their nutrients for another 1-2 weeks maybe until i start their flush which will be plain water for 14 days.


Some close ups not as resinous as i wanted but still pretty and smells quiet fruity
What are your temps hovering at JB? Do you have air conditioning that you use to help (I know, it seems like a stupid question but I have to ask). Can you put aluminum foil on your windows to block out the heat? I lived in Yuma Arizona where summer temps get up to 125 and many people had foil on their windows to reflect the heat away. Just trying to throw some ideas your way brother.
Weathers died down abit so it has decreased. Its still a little high but managable. Have had a bit of foxtailing due to the temps but for now im not that disappointed at what i see!

Very nice brother, glad to hear that. High temps are a bitch to deal with. I had to put my window AC unit in my grow room, otherwise I would be running up in the high 80s to low 90s.
I have never tried revegging. I will take a clone from every plant I grow, and if i like the strain and want to grow it again I will have one ready. If I don't care for it....then I will ditch it.
I have never tried revegging. I will take a clone from every plant I grow, and if i like the strain and want to grow it again I will have one ready. If I don't care for it....then I will ditch it.

The question I always have is when to take the clones. I believe during the flowering stretch is the latest you want to take them is that right?

I'm going to try my hand at clones on some of my outdoor girls I think. Clones are one of the reasons I have a hard time deciding between photo and auto seeds haha!
I would take them in veg if at all possible. I wouldn't want to take them much later than the 3 week Mark in flower. I can see a difference between the ones I took in veg and the ones I took in flower.
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