This is for anyone that has growing questions


New Member
Hey guys, Deege420 here. I would like to offer a special help service to anyone with questions about Mj or growing or anything. Just send me a PM or a message on my wall with your question and your link to your journal if you have one. Im trying to offer this as a good member and because i love 420 mag! :)
Hi Deege I was hoping you could help me with some advice. I had a few questions but maybe you could just check out the thread I made earlier and answer them there? So far nobody has bothered :(.

thanks :)
Hi Deege I was hoping you could help me with some advice. I had a few questions but maybe you could just check out the thread I made earlier and answer them there? So far nobody has bothered :(.

thanks :)

Could be because your journal is not in the "journals" section of the site. If you message "420 girl" and ask her to move your thread to active journals I guarantee the traffic will pick up.

Now ya tell me :D

Ok ill see if I can find Smokey chick and see if she can switch me up.

And here I was begining to think people didnt love me.
I have a question. I am a new member, so hello....I'm a long time toker but have only played around with growing in the past. In fact, about 6 weeks ago, I just threw some seeds into some pots. No idea what they are..but they are looking reeaally good. I'm growing them outside. I just used miricle grow potting soil. But they are growing so rightiously, I would like to keep them goin. Anyway...the bottom leaves are starting to lose color. In fact, some of them
are dead. And the stems on the dead leaves are red or almost purple. It's only about 4 leaves per plant, but I wanna stop it before it gets worse. From what
I have read, they aren't getting enough that right? Thanks for your help!
First off, WELCOME TO :420: :welcome:

Unfortunately MG is not the best for marijauna. But it was grown in only that in the past. So i don't doubt that you won't finish these. The leaves that are losing color are prob from the high doses of "slow feed" nutrients. This often causes what we call "nute burn" or "over nute" I would not add any more nutes. If you have a journal, or post some pics I can def help you some more buddy!

The ideal resolution to this problem: wait till your soil is dry, Get a bag of some organic dirt. Fox farm is what I use and it has worked great thus far. And transfer your plant into a pot of some good dirt. If you choose Fox Farm, then no nutes for 3 weeks as its in the soil already. But be sure if you do the transfer to try and shake free all that miracle grow or as much as possible. Water directly after the transfer.

Try to post some pics on here and I will help you better. Let me know

And stop by my garden if you'd like! 8 plants. 3 autos. all feedback is greatly appreciated! link is in my signature below!
Hey, thanks for answering so fast! I really appreciate it. think they are getting too many nutes, eh? I was thinking the exact opposite. I'm so new at this! lol Back in the day when I was growing (about 20 years ago), there wasn't near as much information out there for's a totally different ballgame now! haha I'm glad to see so many people are getting into it. Anyways...I will take your advise and get them out of the MG this weekend. I can't stand to see my babies turning yellow on me! Thanks a ton for the advise. This is a wonderful community, and I look forward to meeting some really cool people here. Peace!
Too few nutes are always better then too much. Plus with all these ultra concentrated ferts its easy to go overboard and not even realize it. Take something like superthrive. You literally need 1-3 drops in a big bucket of water, but it would be very easy just to pour some in and have it be like 10 or 20 times the recommended amount.

My last time growing was like 14 years ago too Mellow. So its been awhile. But I learned back then by over doing it with miracle grow that the more ferts the NOT better.

If you put a pot seed in a pot with decent soil and just water it when needed it will usually grow into a pretty decent bit of cannabis. Maybe not g-13 put you on your ass for a day good. But it can still be stanky n danky with just nature. IMO don't screw with mother nature and just give your plants a bit of what they would be able to get in the wild.

If you let the lion in the zoo have a big 100 acres to roam on with gazelle to hunt and streams to frolic in, hes going to be a pretty happy lion. Hell be like nature intended. But if you go about enclosing him into a tiny cage and only feeding him steaks eventually hell just be a lame lion and lose all his magesticness and pride.
I hear you man. And its not a problem to help you out. I love helping people. especially when everyone helps me so much. just returning the favors. I here you 100% i do 100% organics. Stuff called Blue planet nutrients. Plants really love it. and the organic lineup of quart sizes is only 20 bux. Plus Cory the guy that makes the product is just an amazing dude. Make a great product, and doesn't make all that much off of it. Great guy, there to help when u need and he's on this forum site :thumb:
I am pretty happy with my veg stuff. Well ok I am very happy. They growing faster and healthier then I could have hoped even with mediocre lighting.

However I still have not gotten my bloom stuff just yet. I know what I want nutrition wise for my plants. But I have not gotten it just yet.

I was leaning towards a bat guano (one with high p and some K but not or low N) and some molasses. Then using azomite and superthrive to ensure it has all the minerals and trace elements needed. Possibly worm castings or worm casting tea too but they are so freakign expensive.

However if the mix was reasonably priced I would definitely consider a nice bloom and bud thickener. Just the big well known companies seem like such a rip off. However the Blue Plant stuff seemed like very reasonable prices. How do you buy from them direct through their site, or just go to my local hydro store?

Also on another question about flowering time. So from what I have gathered it seems that you want a high P count during the first half of the flowering stage with about half of that count as K. You can still have a bit of nitrogen at this point as well. So a ratio of something like 1-8-4 would be nice for the first few weeks after the veg cycle. Then at about half way through the flowering you can switch it up a bit completely lose the N then have a more 1:2 ratio of P to K. So a good mix at the later stags of budding would be something like 0-4-8. and the last 7-10 days before harvesting you would want to stop all nutes.

Does this corespond with your thoughts and knowledge Deege?

As you might be able to tell I have done a bit of reading lately on growing :D.

I think i might have powdery mildew.

Or it might just be runoff from the neem and it turned white. I can not fucking tell and I am scared :(.
I am pretty happy with my veg stuff. Well ok I am very happy. They growing faster and healthier then I could have hoped even with mediocre lighting.

However I still have not gotten my bloom stuff just yet. I know what I want nutrition wise for my plants. But I have not gotten it just yet.

I was leaning towards a bat guano (one with high p and some K but not or low N) and some molasses. Then using azomite and superthrive to ensure it has all the minerals and trace elements needed. Possibly worm castings or worm casting tea too but they are so freakign expensive.

However if the mix was reasonably priced I would definitely consider a nice bloom and bud thickener. Just the big well known companies seem like such a rip off. However the Blue Plant stuff seemed like very reasonable prices. How do you buy from them direct through their site, or just go to my local hydro store?

Also on another question about flowering time. So from what I have gathered it seems that you want a high P count during the first half of the flowering stage with about half of that count as K. You can still have a bit of nitrogen at this point as well. So a ratio of something like 1-8-4 would be nice for the first few weeks after the veg cycle. Then at about half way through the flowering you can switch it up a bit completely lose the N then have a more 1:2 ratio of P to K. So a good mix at the later stags of budding would be something like 0-4-8. and the last 7-10 days before harvesting you would want to stop all nutes.

Does this corespond with your thoughts and knowledge Deege?

As you might be able to tell I have done a bit of reading lately on growing :D.

I see you have been doing a lot of reading and studying on the growth stages of Marijauna. As far as my eyes and knowledge can see. You are spot right on with your ideas. Cal/Mg is a good addition during the flowering cycle too. Escpecially for autos.

Also Compost tea (or worm cast tea) IS GREAT! I make my brew with 4 cups worm castings,2 tbs molasses and about 2 ml of tonic.

Its not expensive at all if you brew your own.
I got my air pump for 10 bux, an airstone is like 3 bucks, had a 5 gallon bucket already, tubing for air pump 3 bucks a foot?, small bag of worm casting(good for like 25 5 gallon brews) was like 10-15 bucks. molasses under 5 bucks and tonic was 3 bucks i think. Thats basically all you need. People do some of their own brews, but this is a good basic brew. (My hydro store sold this exact brew for 10 Bucks a GALLON!)
I think it was a false alarm about the mildew. The white stuff seems to be the neem oil dried out.

Well the expensive part is the darn worm castings themselves. Best I can find is 15 pounds for 25 bucks off amazon. i think there would be shipping too :/.
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