To Refrigerate or Not?


Well-Known Member
Harvest and manicuring is over. It's all in glass jars and curing nicely. So the question now becomes should I place it in the fridge or just leave them in the room temp storage areas.
Keep them in a closet or cool place, check that they don't dry too much. every few days put a small piece of orange or lemon peel in the jars as to keep some humidity. Keep an eye for fungus of course, but in order for them to cure correctly and for a long time, giving better taste and aroma, some humidity is needed.

So, cool dark place, check RH level in the jars. As far as I understand, there's no upside to keeping weed refrigerated.

Hope this helps.

Good luck and Happy Growing!! :Namaste:
The cold will make the crystals hard and brittle allowing them to stress and break, ultimately falling off the bud. If you plan to smoke it, I suggest you leave it at an ambient room temp in a jar in a drawer or cabinet so little/no light falls on the buds while they cure. If you plan to hash it or wax it, you would want to heat it first (google a decarbing process) and then process the meds into the medium you want to use to medicate.
I put them in a large glass jar like a cookie jar with a lid that seals, throw a hygrometer in there and aim to keep it at around roughly 60% RH. Between 55 and 70 anyway. Then I put it in a dark place like a pantry storage and it's good probably for at least a year, probably a lot more but I haven't made it that long yet :) Six months cure is very tasty though.
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