TookErJerbs Indoor Soil Berry White Grow Journal, 2020


420 Member
Hello all! First off thanks for checking out my grow! Any advice/feedback is both welcome and appreciated as I'm a total newb. I am late beginning this journal and am into Week 5 overall, flowering schedule began 2 days ago. We've got 2 confirmed females and 2 yet unidentified hopefuls in the making. Some info for you all:

What strain is it? Good ole bag seeds from an ounce of Berry White I purchased at my favorite dispensary. Berry White is an indica-dominant hybrid from Blueberry Haze and White Widow. Delicious :)

Is it in Veg or Flower stage? We're 2 days into flowering

I'm growing indoors in a 3x3 grow tent with 2 grow lights (Mars 1000 and a 600W LED that came with my kit). The plants are in 1 gallon sacks with FF Ocean Forest soil. There has been minimal use of FF nutrients (so far Grow Big, debating between Big Bloom and Tiger Bloom and when to use those... any suggestions?) as there was a little nute burn the first time I added them. Got a little scared and backed way off so they've had 2 doses total (one full strength [woops] and one at 25% recommended dosage).

The room is air conditioned and I have an intake fan into the tent. I've got an in-line fan on the way to increase the air flow.

I'm winning a battle against fungus gnats, which wasn't terrible to begin with but I jumped on it right away. I've got apple cider vinegar traps, sticky traps and just dosed them with the first wave of nematodes so I'm confident that's handled.

I'm watering when the girls need it using the lift method. Since adding the second light (2 days ago for flowering) they're drinking quite a bit more than they were so I anticipate watering every 2-4 days depending. I'm using filtered water from the fridge.

Since this is my very first grow I haven't been tracking pH or humidity as those are advanced moves for me. I'm sure I'll grow into it ;)
Photos of the setup/gals


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Top of the morning to you! We're on Day 5 of flowering and things are happening. I'm not sure yet if they're good things but we have movement. Upon the advice of the knowledgable @Pennywise I have ordered and am waiting for my pH test kit to ensure there are no lockouts (who says schools are closed-- look what I learned Mom!!) and am now tracking daily temps and humidity in the AM right as the lights come on and the PM right before they go off. Temperatures are staying pretty consistent between 70-76 F, humidity is ranging between 40-60%. Any suggestions on a range to shoot for? Gonna attach a couple pics for input:
Around 50% RH so you’re in that ballpark. In flower you want to drop that just a little. Temps 76-78 would be ideal and 5-10 degrees cooler during lights off.
Several questions for the masters:
Are these nute burns on my fan leaves? I had a few spots 2-3 weeks ago right after I gave them their first dose of FF nutes and hope these are just those spots growing out?

Why are my stipules turning brown?!?!?

And finally, is this bright green just new growth and not light burn? It started when I added my second light.


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most of what I see here is a result of not adjusting the incoming fluids to 6.3 pH and improperly watering. Please continue working on the advice that Penny gave you about pH and I also invite you to read my watering guide so you can stop overwatering your plants.
The spotting you are getting is no doubt also due to not adjusting your pH properly. Get that sorted out and keep giving the recommended nutes from FF, and I think your problems will go away.
@Emilya thank you, I just re-read your watering guide. I really thought I was watering appropriately as I've only watered them 7-8 times total since putting them in the tent 5 weeks ago. Do you think I should water with less quantity? To use your technique and have a little runoff has required 32ish oz per plant, give or take and I always wait for them to completely dry out before watering. I was being lazy with the pH and now I can't wait to monitor it thanks to @Pennywise
In my method I teach that you can not overwater a plant by giving too much water at any one time... so I always recommend watering anything past the seedling stage, all the way to runoff. This saturates the soil and gives you a good baseline of how much water you are expecting your plants to be able to use before the next watering. You can however overwater a plant by watering too often, so it is super important to let them dry out all the way to the bottom of the container each time before watering again. I call this a wet/dry cycle, and by monitoring it you can tell lots of important things about your plants and the health of your root system.
Since yesterday had nothing but bad news I thought today we could do something more fun! This morning when I checked on the plants I noticed this little white fluff sticking out of one of my preflowers. It didn't look like a hair, more like a fluff ball. I freaked out and poked it a little and then left it alone. And now look what we have here! The hairs look like little ram horns on their way out. Hope it smokes that way, too :cheesygrinsmiley:
Anyone have a guess as to what the little white fluff is? There’s not really a preflower where that thing is emerging.


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