
Oh yeah, MG soil ... For 1: It's time released nutes in it which suck. 2: When I used it I got a gnat infestation that took 2 weeks to get rid of. There's eggs & larva in it that hatch once you start watering & the Humidity is right. But you can kill off the gnats with Mosquito Dunks, Peroxide, Neem oil if not flowering & adding sand or gnat nix to the top layer of your pots.
Thank you
To me the best soil for beginners is Fox Farms Ocean Forrest or Happy Frog. I still use it after 3 years of growing with no problems. I also use Mega Crop. My plants are 52 days old & in their 2nd week of flower in 5 gallon bags.
How high is your light above the plants? It should only be about 24" away. If it's too far away your plants will stretch & you'll get what they call Fox tailing or Spindly buds instead of nice big cola's.
Once they get 4 sets of leaves keep your light 18" from the plants & when you start to flower 12" from the plants & they'll get better buds at the end.
24 inches. I don't know if I can say the name of the light so if not sorry. I have a sunraise 1000watt led that has veg and bloom switch's. I was running it with both turned on but was told to only use the veg switch for the first month then turn them both on.
You can use just Veg or both Veg & Bloom for Veg. Using both at once is like using an HPS bulb for your entire grow instead of MH for Veg & HPS for Flower. People do it all the time. I usually only use just the veg switch for the 1st week. After that I use both. I no longer use the Blurple LED lights though because white light has proven to be better as it's more sun like.
Yeah my light didn't come with any information other than how high I should keep it from the plants. This is all a learning process for me and I have like 500 seeds to practice with. I would much rather learn with these bag seeds before I spend money on good seeds.
Let me throw another question in here if I may please. My light is a sunraise 1000 Watt LED that has both veg and bloom switch's. Should I be running it with just the veg or both. When I got my light it didn't have any information other than hight from plant recommendation. Your advice would be greatly appreciated.
Let me throw another question in here if I may please. My light is a sunraise 1000 Watt LED that has both veg and bloom switch's. Should I be running it with just the veg or both. When I got my light it didn't have any information other than hight from plant recommendation. Your advice would be greatly appreciated.
Hey Kevin, just my recommendation. The smaller the plant less light at first.
Just keep it on Veg switch for now. Once they get a little bigger then they will need more light. I wouldnt go lower than 24inches at their stage.
Make sure you have great air movement too.
Alot of the oldtimers on here do not put their lights too close to the plants. Docbud,duggan, etc. I raised my lights from their recommendation at 28 inches in flowering and noticed more yield from side penetration. Also, you are not working the plant to hard for upcoming deficiency in the plant.
Just my opinion .
Have a great day buddy
I do have a really good air flow going on. Not that it's impressive or anything but, this is my setup. I have to use what I can afford but it's working. 32x32x64 vivosun tent, sunraise 1000 watt LED and a tower fan with the base removed hanging on the backside and the plants are now in 3 gallon grow bags. I'm going to get 5 gallon bags on the advice of others on here and transfer my plants over to them. Like I said nothing impressive but it's working.


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Thank you, it's nice not to be called an ass just for asking a question. Or having people pretty much run you off. I appreciate each and every one of you for taking the time to help me. Thank you all you are greatly appreciated.

No stupid questions brother. You ask away anything we here to help.


Gotta start somewhere.

I pretty much brought my outdoor organic gardening indoors into containers.

Since I had 40+ years of organic gardening under my belt the hard part it was getting used to all the weird stuff cannabis growers do which I still dont really get but that's just me.

I never grew in containers much at all so that is a big part of the challenge for me and many new growers.. the wading thru all the weird stuff in the canna industry can be daunting for some. Just remember its a weed and weeds grow pretty good without our intervention.

Dont cheap out on lighting.

Dont cheap out on genetics once you get your shtick going.
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