
Kevin Jacobs

Well-Known Member
Hello everybody, I'm just new to growing and this will be my first grow. I transplanted these today and I'm hoping I didn't send them to their death. I had them in one quart plastic pots, and the roots were growing out the bottom holes so I thought it was time to transfer them into my 3 gallon grow bags. But now I'm thinking I should have waited longer. I don't want to sound like a fool but should I have waited or do you think they should be okay. I have already been told I used the wrong soil because it's mg, And I guess that's a no no. Anyway take a look and any advice would be greatly appreciated.


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They will be ok - thats when I transplant when the roots start coming out of btm.

Its better to do it before the roots get too long so you dont damage them pulling the seedling out of the cup. The main tap root is as important to the plant as the main stem. You should try and avoid breaking or cutting either of them.

I always grow extra seedlings. They all dont grow perfect better to have too many than not enough.

Is 3 gal your last pot or are you going to up pot again before flower?

If these plants are in SOIL medium you will need more soil than 3 gal unless they are AUTO seeds. If they are PHOTO you minimum for SOIL is 5gal or you will end up with issues and small plants into flower.

What are your seeds and what medium are you growing in?

Welcome to 420mag.... good luck with your first grow.

Sometimes its the best grow we ever have....
BTW, the soil is miracle grow moisture control and I added 8 quarts of perlite to a 50 quart bag. But I was told I should have never used it. I don't know I'm just new to this stuff.
Miracle Grow has given people problems usually in flower because the way the nutrients are released in the soil. To be easy on yourself next time....start them off in a Solo cup after you germinate them. Since they are smaller, you won't need to soak the entire soil either. Just a little near the plant for now every couple days.
Get those babies out of that soil.
Not that I know of. I have a friend that has a licensed grow. But he says he can't give me any advice on growing because it may put his license in jeopardy. Like yeah I would say anything. But I understand
I would use different soil bro. You are going to spend alot of time and money on electricity. Dont take a short cut on the soil.
Try to look up hydro stores in your area and buy some good soil so you can control your environment.
Buy some nutrients and some promix soil and grow those babies or go organic soil..
Hope this helps bro
BTW, the soil is miracle grow moisture control and I added 8 quarts of perlite to a 50 quart bag. But I was told I should have never used it. I don't know I'm just new to this stuff.

Miracle grow = Monsanto

So there's the reason. Many folks despise Monsanto and for good reason.

What will happen to your plants they will run out of nutrients in that soil mix before you're at the finish line and likely several weeks before.

Get some EWC (earth worm castings) and some Kelp meal

Make a tea - 1 cup ewc + 1/2 cup of Kelp meal into a bucket of water and stir - if you have an air stone and air pump you can add that but not required.

Let the ewc/kelp meal steep in the water 24-48 hours stir when you feel like it.

Water in with the tea mix can do it as much as every other watering or less. You cant hurt your plants with this tea just have to make it fresh as it wont keep longer than say 3 days r so.

This will get you to the end with good result. Without it your plants will run out of gas specially in a 3gal pot in soil.

If BAG seed doubt they are autos. Unlikely I've never had seeded auto plants unless on purpose.
Miracle grow = Monsanto

So there's the reason. Many folks despise Monsanto and for good reason.

What will happen to your plants they will run out of nutrients in that soil mix before you're at the finish line and likely several weeks before.

Get some EWC (earth worm castings) and some Kelp meal

Make a tea - 1 cup ewc + 1/2 cup of Kelp meal into a bucket of water and stir - if you have an air stone and air pump you can add that but not required.

Let the ewc/kelp meal steep in the water 24-48 hours stir when you feel like it.

Water in with the tea mix can do it as much as every other watering or less. You cant hurt your plants with this tea just have to make it fresh as it wont keep longer than say 3 days r so.

This will get you to the end with good result. Without it your plants will run out of gas specially in a 3gal pot in soil.

If BAG seed doubt they are autos. Unlikely I've never had seeded auto plants unless on purpose.
Hey kevin, listen to @bobrown14 . He very good at growing cannabis :high-five:
Wish i had him in my journal when i first started.
Thank you. I must say, at least on this forum I'm not made to feel like a fool, I tried to explain to people I'm just new to this, but somehow it doesn't get through to some. Thank you all for understanding I'm a virgin, not all of us start at the top of the growers food chain.
It took me awhile just to have ok bud. I started in 2008 but if i have to do it all over again would be to join back then and have a good mentor on 420.
Alot of great growers here just wanting to help out and minimize new growers mistakes.
Congrats on your grow.:high-five: Its very addictive..
I used MG on my 1st grow. The nutes in it are only good for about 3 - 4 weeks & then you have to add your own. I'm sure adding all the Natural stuff the above posters mentioned; but to me that's for more advanced organic growers. Using Mega Crop is way easier. 1 product through an entire grow at under $20 to feed 6 plants. Greenleaf Nutrients has a free sample but you have to pay about $6 shipping. It's enough for a 6 plant grow from start to finish.
If you are keeping those plants in 3 gallon bags you better switch to flower after 3 - 4 weeks of veg or they'll get too big for 3 gallon pots. You'll probably only yield a couple oz.s per plant in that size pot. Increase your yield some by using LST. After your plants is a few inches tall start bending it over as far as you can so branches grow out the sides of it & make it bushy.
Oh yeah, MG soil ... For 1: It's time released nutes in it which suck. 2: When I used it I got a gnat infestation that took 2 weeks to get rid of. There's eggs & larva in it that hatch once you start watering & the Humidity is right. But you can kill off the gnats with Mosquito Dunks, Peroxide, Neem oil if not flowering & adding sand or gnat nix to the top layer of your pots.
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