Trim for butter help?


New Member
I have some trim I put in a closed container for a few days to make butter out of, but when I opened it I noticed a little white fuzz on maybe 5% of the whole thing of trim. My question is can I still make butter out of it, will the heat kill anything bad in it and if not the heat of melting and soking maybe the heat of baking brownies in the oven.
I have wondered about removing the obviously nasty part and making an alcoholic tincture with 151 or higher booze. Seems like that would kill it, but I'm no microbiologist.
I used to make tinctures, too, but the alcohol didn't agree with me.

That aside, when it comes to mold, you don't want booze mixed with organic toxins in your system. That is a deadly double-dose. The little bit of weed you have to incinerate (or bury) is nothing compared to the spores getting into your lungs and bloodstream and killing you.

Joints or edibles made from moldy cannibus is far more deadly than cigarettes. It will kill you a lot more quickly, too.

As comparison: when houses get moldy, the moldy structures are removed by people in hazmat suits and heavy breather masks. Then they are taken somewhere to be incinerated. You don't mess with mold! This isn't refined cheese mold. it's mold evolved to decompose dead bodies of other organisms.

You CANNOT just remove the visible mold. There are invisible spores all through the batch.

I can get even grosser if you like, to talk you into burning the contaminated batch. I have a degree in Biology. I know how insidious mold is.
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