TripleG's Apartment Based Breeding Grounds

No. Currently I cannot grow as my ex destroyed my grow equipment and that is that. I am not quitting smoking. I will be growing again as soon as I don't live here, maybe a month or 2
Let me know if you need genetics to get started when the time comes. Glad to hear everything is going well :)
That's the truth. I did meet a local old timer grower that I'm going to share some of my crosses with though. At least I will get to see a few grown out while I'm in intermission. Also I expect a small influx of some fresh auto flowering genetics soon. Collecting for preservation is never finished.

Looking at some houses. Trying to do the damn thing so I can get back on track. For now I'm kind of on a health kick, quitting cigarettes and trying out an 18/6 fasting diet.

Oh yeah, the guy I live with wants to teach me to work glass, has an amazing set up.
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