Um - Is this a hermie?


Well-Known Member

Pics not the best, just curious about this growth. I'm pretty sure this seed was from a hermaphrodite plant. I have 2 spots like this . Thanks for the input
Those look like pollen sacks to me. Carefully remove them before they pollinate you lady. Did you cause any stress or anything to her??

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kind of looks like it. the two orb shapes togeather. i had a great, potent strain ounce. each of my phenos, did it. that was the bitch. as this was some of the most potent, flavorfull weed i have ever smoked. alas, i could not keep it, or it would have inseminated my others. several years later, i realize, this might not have been a bad thing. imagine. medijuana, crossing with my god bud? BZZZZZZZ! LOL. you can keep an eye on this, and cut the herms off. i have had plants grow "nanners", tiny, yellow spots, that resemble bannanas, if they get stressed. no big deal, if late in bloom. they wont corrupt the plants. bag seeds, are often from hermie plants.
Yeah my timer was messed up got about 30 min of extra light 5-6 days ago. So I should remove them? The more I look the more I'm seeing about 5 spots none on main branches
Man that blows this is the only plant I have going right now just a test run on my new stuff before i start my Aurora Indica. So clipping them won't work?
looking at that picture you wont get any heads on it. just small buds. and highly likely to be seedy. my advice would be to take it as a learning experience and start again. you just wasting time and money for what you will get in return. Others may disagree but oive seen many plants like this and when formed like that they never produce.

Also never ever interupt the light cycle, ever. best way to herm any plant. dont open the tent at all during the dark period for any reason and make sure timers are working correctly before flipping.
This is a learning experience for sure but that's what it was meant to be. She was looking really good too about 4 weeks left. I might just grow it out for seeds and practice.

Only a few spots that have pods
Ok narrowed down the problem... We had a week long heat wave. temps inside the tent were consistently 85+ during the day, nothing I could do about. I'm gonna remove the pods and since temps have cooled pray that no more pop up.
Just keep cutting them off it. Will be fine if its your only plant no point in not finshing it heat stress tens to not do it it might just be the strain alot forget that most thai sativas will always hermi its in there genetics todo so 30 mins of extra light will not hurt littel extra heat will not hurt .
yes if only plant theres no harm in growing it out.

BUT 30 mins of light can and will herm plants, ive seen whole rooms herm with small light interruptions. Also heat will herm some strains too. It depends on may factors. A small rise in temps wont hurt most strains but messing with the light cycle will fuck up even the hardiest of plants.
Yeah I narrowed it down to those two factors everything else is on point and genetics obviously could be a factor. Thanks for the info guys
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