Virgin! 1st time grow. OG Kush


New Member
OK so here we go this is my first time growing and im growing indoors. I will be posting pictures until the day I harvest. ( if i get there) or till my crop dies...


Temp 82% with light on, 72 without
Humidity 50
1 600w hps light air cooled

1 " 6" inline fan
watering every 3 to 4 days
1 20pound CO2 tank w/ regulator

I am in week 2 of flowering
I have 2 questions one has to do with nutrients..

Can i use these nutrients in a soil system?
My next question is on CO2.

Whats the best way to run the co2 without having the inline fan turned off for too long?
lookin good nice choice for strain anything going outdoors this season?
My plants are hurting! I sprayed them with Safer 3 in 1 and almost all the fan leaves shriveled up and fell...

That's been known to happen. Did you water the plants to the point of runoff before spraying them to help make sure that they didn't "suck up" any more of the Safer's via the leaves than they had to?
looking good sencr! hydro nutrients are basically the same idea as powder or water-soluble nutes, just add water basically. Giving how far along you are, I would say start with 1/4 mixture of nutes and 3/4 water, and go from there, see how your plants respond but I would also like to add, you have to remember, just because the instructions say that you should spray the leaves but is the product made for removing mold from weed plants? Basically, just because that's what the instructions say, don't take them for face value, because you're going to be smoking what you're growing! I would stick with regular feeding and see how the nutes go. Let me know how everything is going!
looking good sencr! hydro nutrients are basically the same idea as powder or water-soluble nutes, just add water basically. Giving how far along you are, I would say start with 1/4 mixture of nutes and 3/4 water, and go from there, see how your plants respond but I would also like to add, you have to remember, just because the instructions say that you should spray the leaves but is the product made for removing mold from weed plants? Basically, just because that's what the instructions say, don't take them for face value, because you're going to be smoking what you're growing! I would stick with regular feeding and see how the nutes go. Let me know how everything is going!

What would u recommend I use? so far I got the 3 part GH, Kool bloom, and earth juice,
If you want to use something I'd use only the kool bloom if you're looking to flower well but mix it right into your water. Take about a cup of your nutes and mix them with about a gallon of your distilled or r/o water, not sure what you're using right now, and just straight water them with that, but I would only give it to them every other watering at first, if you have to, tweak it a bit if it seems too strong. Listen to your plants, they'll tell you what they need... and if not, post up some pics and we will!!! :smokin:
haha thanks a bunch sencr! Let's see these pics cuz did the leaves yellow first? What's your feeding schedule if you're on one? I doubt you should be feeding them every time, feed them every 2nd or 3rd watering, give them time to utilize the nutes you give em. Don't introduce more than you need, and don't forget to check your pH before you water!
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