
I have tried visine and clear eyes and the one that has worked the best for me is Rohto V Cool i think its the one that mr shibbz was talkin about that gives your eyes that cooling sensationand it only takes like 2 min to turn your eyes pefectly white
Naphcon A for redness hands down. I used to have to worry about red eyes, but now i'm older, a vaporizer, and Clear Eyes user.
They got this new Visine called ( LRR ) Longer Redness Reliever it's yellow labeled and it works good for the ones that the Visine don't work for ya'll...But i always carry Clear Eyes because it takes of the watery off your eyes too :allgood:



Stay High! Everyday!

So I went to my doctor and told him I have chronic red/irritated eyes from "allergies". I have never had allergies, but oh well.

He gave me Vasocon-A. It is the best stuff I have ever used. Your eyes are instantly white, feel great, and the glassyness is gone.
visine is a stoners best friend haha. even if i use visine my eyes are still always like half closed, even when im not high so everyone thinks im high eitherway
jimmybong said:
^^ya, me too...but at least i have an excuse, im half korean and when most people meet me my eyes are already slanted a lil so u never know if im just high or not...its great!!
Haha good stuff. I think its clear eyes for me. My friend told me about those eye drops that make your eyes feel like there cold he said they feel sooo good when your high but cant figure the name out lol :bong:
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