Visualize Whirrled Peas: A Perpetual Garden By 013

Thanks Trala, it is exciting - if I don’t kill them all.

Had a few setbacks there that slowed my roll since the timer malfunction, which caused the clone mom to flower and her subsequent death after dumping too much silicone dioxide (insecticide version) which I thought was regular DE.... but that’s a whole nother fubar wrapped in a fubar.

The twin clone sisters are still around and if I can get the 6th generation to root properly then I will flower 1 or maybe both of those sisters out. It’s just an old Pakistan Valley line nothing spectacular so if I lose the line no biggie, one plant did hermie a bit so I’ve got a few beans of that tucked away just in case.

It’s a funky time of the season here to root clones with the temp swings now, gotta get that seedling & clone heat mat to help things root up better. Now I’ve gotta figure out what these tiny white or cream colored larvae are, look like maggots but there are no dead critters in that soil bin to generate maggots.
This time of year is hard for me in the back room where I grow. Temps drop and it'd hard to germinate seeds and what not. I keep my seeds and clones in a grow box where I have a level that sits above my bonsai lights. The floor is slatted so heat from the bonsai lights keep my plate with paper towel warm OR my little rez the clones sit in at 80°. I also choose to run an HPS in there during the winter time to keep freezing temps from entering that back room. It's tough growing indoors without central air. ;)
Thanks Celt... appreciate you checking me out! It’s kinda slow in the garden right now. Found out my main soil bin has started sprouting whiteish larvae, looks like almost grain of rice sized maggots. Not sure what’s up with that so I’m restarting beans and literally cooking soil on a baking sheet on the propane grill. Take that you freaking larvae!

Still hanging on with twin Pakistan Valley clone sisters and a Hawaiin Haze but I’m looking to get things cranked back up to normal.

Jump in any time!!!
Parnelli, Whats happening? Buds and papers are on the table - help yourself

Apologies life interrupted me there for few days... Glad you found out on your own but part of my prepping involves cobs. Because the cure is longer it turns into a compact and portable weed savings bank. Plus I like to hedge my bets when curing so if one batch were to develop mold then I have some backup. Cobs are not the same as fresh cured buds, the taste & terps are muted... however they are much easier on the lungs too.

So my harvests are split with about 20% allocated for cobs so all my trim plus some good bud to add potency, then goes for 40% low & slow fridge cure and 40% traditional dry hang and into jars.

But yeah try out some cobs... good learning experience and really smooth smoke!

Drop in anytime my friend!
Hey Patient Puffer - welcome to my humble abode. Take your shoes off and pull up a bong!

I like your layered approach to recycling heat, I bet the slats keep the germing beans and clone rez toasty. I‘m doing the same above a 315 cmh in the veg tent. Great minds run together! Yes sir -I agree - this is a funky time of year to germ beans. I may have to fire up the HPS too for the dead of winter.

I’m still jealous of you outdoor gardeners... one day I will do a backwoods guerrilla grow! I loved that pic of 36 quarts you had stacked up... now that’s what I’m talking about. Hope you got that roof repair project all squared away. Stop in any time!
Hey TraLa...! The garden is bare as a new born baby... in keeping with my status as ranking bean killer my seedlings were food for whatever larvae my soil bin was sprouting. I’m literally baking pans of soil from my soil bins on the gas grill and will hit the dirt with real growers recharge, mycos and azos to restart microbes.

3 new bean starts were water boarded just last night and today they are hanging out in peat pucks catching some artificial rays. The latest prisoners are 1 Alaska Purps, 1 Ice and 1 Pakistan Valley

the twin clone sisters righty & lefty are about to really piss me off.... they’ve got the clap from whoring around on the wrong side of town....

My little Hawaiin haze girlfriend just moved into her new 3 gallon home, shes got a luxury 35 gallon townhome ready and waiting but can’t move in until December when her roots are all grown up. The black tubing is to keep her lady business properly aerated.... mini pump is blowing air thru 2 stones up under her rootball.
I’m withholding pics of the clone twins... they gotta straighten up and fly right to earn the privilege of being photographed and posted! I’ve told them that before but they wont cooperate
But it’s good to have compassion pics!

Take my 3 half dead and buried special seeds for example. One day I will look back and laugh. Not today mind, or tomorrow for that matter, but one day I will.
I have not updated in a minute. Recently came to the realization that it’s time to say goodbye.... it’s time to turn the page -the clone twins need to go. I tried to hang on to that Pakistan Valley line. It was nothing special, I’ve had both better and worse but it was a great learner strain and I’m convinced the root zone of the clone twins is compromised with something.

That one seed yielded about 3 or 4 pounds and was the host for a dozen newbie harvests, she was cloned out to a couple of generations. First there was Bertha, then Shorty, next came the first set of twins, the triplets girls #2, #4, & #6, then the second set of twins and so on down the line. She taught me cloning, how to supercrop, and monster cropping. We cured and dried, cobs were made, oils were cooked, dragons were hatched, we even did some dry sift, and copious amounts of freshies were consumed.

Back in early summer I killed Berthas Girl - the original clone mother in an dusting accident (grabbed what I thought was a bag diatomaceous earth but turns out it was silicone dioxide by mistake) aww shit - my bad and was only left with the 2nd generation teen twin sister clones.... Lefty and Righty. Now the twin sister clones chicks are bruised and battle scarred they’ve had crotch critters from Summer of 2020 great mite and fungus gnat orgy. At one point I suspected root aphids and treated for that but until you dig one up you never know what’s in the soil.

Normally I try recycle all my used soil, rootball and all get dumped in the bin for recooking. So here’s the plan, gonna upcan and flip the twin clone sisters to flower, hoping they can cross the finish line. If they look good and are largely critter free then we will cure out some bud. If by chance they are heavily compromised with critters then the harvest will be made in dragon, RSO.. or butter. After the plants are harvested the 2 containers of soil will go outside to be retired. Feel confident we’ve had something chewing on roots (root aphids?) for a while and to eliminate that worry I will gladly waste some dirt. Currently have 3 other large soil bins cooking prolly 10l gallons total so it’s no big deal to toss 20 gallons of soil. I’ve got some spots in the yard that will benefit from a refresh.

As a point of pride I wanted to keep a cutting of this strain alive - at the same time I’m not willing to potentially risk reinfecting my own grow. There’s better genetics in hand so I bid farewell to the Paki Valley, I’ve still got a few beans left of her from a hermie incident. Pre-covid we had 6 gallons of bud jarred up, 4 zips of cobs, 10 zips liquid green dragon, about 10 mil of rso. We have donated a bunch to help with meds for a handful of folks. Currently we’ve still got a respectable amount of cobs stored, maybe 4 zips of liquid dragon left... poor me I’m running low on fresh harvest supplies probably have half a gallon of buds left but still in very good shape overall.

So we begin the process of ending the Paki Valley run.... once the clone twins are harvested that will be the end of that photoperiod phenotype. One bean, a dozen harvests, a great platform for learning.... here’s to you Lefty & Righty - the last descendants of Miss Bertha from Pakistan Valley.... let’s make a final run to the finish line.

If we’ve learned anything from covid it’s that one needs to be well prepared to hunker down, this is not the time to be dankrupt...

I’ve been lurking here for months. For context: I visited here early in my first growing adventure in late 2019 but kinda found it confusing because advice was coming from everyone. Soon I wound up on another grow site that featured one or two voices but they pushed hydro growing format. I went ass first down that rabbit hole & killed nearly every strain that @SeedsMan makes. I wasted a bunch of money too buying specialized crap that I didn’t need. Just for reference - I don’t have a problem with hydro methods just not my cup of THC. Finally in desperation I cruised thru a couple thousand pages on 420 Magazine and nixed the net pots and got my groove on with soil. I’m a country man, out here we grow shit in dirt. Sooo glad I made the switch from hydro to soil, from that other site to 420 Magazine. My first plant was a whopping success with a wet harvest weight totaling 933 grams. That harvest would not have been possible without 420 Magazine. I’m on my third and fourth run right now.

The purpose of this journal is the perfect trifecta...
1) to effectively join the 420 community
2) develop better growing skills
3) to document these grows

I’m an indoors grower but would love to do an outdoor guerilla grow. It’s early in the growing season here so I’m jonesing for a couple of super secluded spots. Here is the indoor setup.

12 X 12 Bloom Room
2 - Mars SP-250
1 - 600 watt HPS
2 - T-5’s with LED bulbs
2 - 12 inch fans
1 - 9 inch fan

4 X 4 Veg Tent
1 - 315 CMH
2 - T-5’s with LED bulbs
1 - 12 inch fan
1 - 8 inch fan

Temps 70 to 80 Farvignuven with lights on 68 to 72 degrees with lights off
Humid 50 to 75% but can alter up or down with humidifier or dehum.

Peat 2 parts
Perlite 1 part
EWC, rabbit pellets, mycos, lime, oyster shell flour, rock dust, minerals, bone meal, kelp, dog hair, biochar, compost from forest floor.

Going for Water Only Soil but ya gotta throw some fish ferts and eye of newt on occasion. I’m gonna shut up now and seal the deal with a photo. The photo sucks but at least it’s not blurple!!!

Thanks for stopping by.... You all come back now - ya hear?
"I don’t have a problem with hydro methods just not my cup of THC." :thumb: :thumb: :thumb: :thumb:
I have not updated in a minute. Recently came to the realization that it’s time to say goodbye.... it’s time to turn the page -the clone twins need to go. I tried to hang on to that Pakistan Valley line. It was nothing special, I’ve had both better and worse but it was a great learner strain and I’m convinced the root zone of the clone twins is compromised with something.

That one seed yielded about 3 or 4 pounds and was the host for a dozen newbie harvests, she was cloned out to a couple of generations. First there was Bertha, then Shorty, next came the first set of twins, the triplets girls #2, #4, & #6, then the second set of twins and so on down the line. She taught me cloning, how to supercrop, and monster cropping. We cured and dried, cobs were made, oils were cooked, dragons were hatched, we even did some dry sift, and copious amounts of freshies were consumed.

Back in early summer I killed Berthas Girl - the original clone mother in an dusting accident (grabbed what I thought was a bag diatomaceous earth but turns out it was silicone dioxide by mistake) aww shit - my bad and was only left with the 2nd generation teen twin sister clones.... Lefty and Righty. Now the twin sister clones chicks are bruised and battle scarred they’ve had crotch critters from Summer of 2020 great mite and fungus gnat orgy. At one point I suspected root aphids and treated for that but until you dig one up you never know what’s in the soil.

Normally I try recycle all my used soil, rootball and all get dumped in the bin for recooking. So here’s the plan, gonna upcan and flip the twin clone sisters to flower, hoping they can cross the finish line. If they look good and are largely critter free then we will cure out some bud. If by chance they are heavily compromised with critters then the harvest will be made in dragon, RSO.. or butter. After the plants are harvested the 2 containers of soil will go outside to be retired. Feel confident we’ve had something chewing on roots (root aphids?) for a while and to eliminate that worry I will gladly waste some dirt. Currently have 3 other large soil bins cooking prolly 10l gallons total so it’s no big deal to toss 20 gallons of soil. I’ve got some spots in the yard that will benefit from a refresh.

As a point of pride I wanted to keep a cutting of this strain alive - at the same time I’m not willing to potentially risk reinfecting my own grow. There’s better genetics in hand so I bid farewell to the Paki Valley, I’ve still got a few beans left of her from a hermie incident. Pre-covid we had 6 gallons of bud jarred up, 4 zips of cobs, 10 zips liquid green dragon, about 10 mil of rso. We have donated a bunch to help with meds for a handful of folks. Currently we’ve still got a respectable amount of cobs stored, maybe 4 zips of liquid dragon left... poor me I’m running low on fresh harvest supplies probably have half a gallon of buds left but still in very good shape overall.

So we begin the process of ending the Paki Valley run.... once the clone twins are harvested that will be the end of that photoperiod phenotype. One bean, a dozen harvests, a great platform for learning.... here’s to you Lefty & Righty - the last descendants of Miss Bertha from Pakistan Valley.... let’s make a final run to the finish line.

If we’ve learned anything from covid it’s that one needs to be well prepared to hunker down, this is not the time to be dankrupt...
" well prepared to hunker down, this is not the time to be dankrupt...:goof:" You should write books! I've got a million things to do today, but can't stop reading your posts they're are super informative... even though they bring home to me just how little I actually know, I've had to stop reading several times just to go look up some of the terms you use.
I'm so pleased I found this place, the help I see being dished out among the members is pretty inspiring to me!:goodjob:
10 fluid ounces Gosling 151, one zip Jack Herer decarbed. 7 day soak. Shaken not stirred...

Master Wu recipe but just a hair tweak in ratios, black bermuda rum so this dragon is brown!

Just over 4 ounces before final reduction.

4 zips of fresh harvest Jack H, bud washed, dried, sugar leaf trim -no fans. Ready for decarb and RSO.
I may as well be reading Chinese for all the sense this makes to me... But, I'm a pretty quick learner and I'll get there! :goodjob:
Hey Markup, Glad you stopped by! Buds & wrappers on the table - help yourself. Yes the learning curve here has a few kinks but it’s all good. There’s an amazing community & we will have you speaking gibberish too in no time... O that bit was about some green dragon which is where you wash the goodies off the plant using a high proof alcohol. Then you reduce the volume of alcohol with heat to make the wash more potent, but since I washed with black rum the resulting color turned out brown instead of its normal green color.

Come back anytime!
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