Wanting to Eat My Plants


New Member

I am a health coach, yoga instructor, personal trainer, and a wellness cannabis blogger. I share positive things about cannabis and my adventures as a patient to anybody who is willing to read and listen. I personally use cannabis daily for chronic pain, digestive issues, the severe scoliosis that I've had since I was 12, migraines from age 9, and well, you get the point- this stuff keeps me going.

I live in Washington State and have access to great cannabis medicine BUT I WANT RAW CANNABIS and I have literally only ever found one farmer so far who would/could provide reputable, safe, raw cannabis to me. My life changed this year when I used raw cannabis and then changed again when I gifted my medicine source to somebody who was sicker than me. (Martyrdom isn't all its cracked up to be.) It has become apparent that I must grow my own in order to have a steady supply of raw, edible cannabis even though I have limited space, no desire to invest in growing equipment, and no idea how this plant likes to be treated.

I picked up a little Grand Daddy Purple clone last month and put it in a pot with the same soil that is in my vegetable garden and have it outside while the weather is nice. I give attention to it daily and it is growing well. I can't wait until I can eat it! I don't even care about having it flower at this point, I just want enough leaves so I can eat/juice about 10 a day.

So, I am here to find simple ways to turn my cute little experiment into a thriving, steady supply of raw cannabis. I mean, it shouldn't be that hard to grow a plant for food, right?

-TwiceBaked in Washington
Welcome to :420: sir.
Lots of information here and great people! I have no personl experience in juicing but Ill try to pot a link to get you some info. ;):)
Cannabis Edibles
Juicing Cannabis

Hopefully those will get you on track in your journey sir!! :peace:
Hello Twicebake.

Look up cloning and try it when she gets bigger.

The standard therapy is: plant a plant every day for 30 days, then juice each plant at 1 month old.

My advice would be to make as many clones as you can, plant them in a green house.

Snip about 5-7 leaves daily and put into the freezer in a portion bag.

Frozen grass crushes easily into tiny pieces with no stems.

Mix these in a smoothie :high-five:

Much easier than juicing
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