Week 5 flower hermies what are my options


Well-Known Member
So I have a far few skittles that have looked beautiful from the start I've gone into check yesterday and to my horror I've seen this

What are my options do I let them run or scrap the lot





So I have a far few skittles that have looked beautiful from the start I've gone into check yesterday and to my horror I've seen this

What are my options do I let them run or scrap the lot





Doesn’t look promising my friend. Thats a lot of pollen to have in your grow area. Personally I'd put a garbage bag over her and drag her out.
I'm sorry my friend.
Bugger I think they have all turned no chance in picking them all every few days and getting at least a little smoke off them
Is it the whole crop or just one?
Bugger I think they have all turned no chance in picking them all every few days and getting at least a little smoke off them
If its all of them, then there is not much benefit in pulling everyone. You can try and pick them off and save what you can. Its not optional but at this point there isn't much to be done. Where did you get your seeds from.
They have looked amazing from start covered in thc never even thought to look for hermies as they have done so well
If its all of them, then there is not much benefit in pulling everyone. You can try and pick them off and save what you can. Its not optional but at this point there isn't much to be done. Where did you get your seeds from.
Had them as cuttings the bloke who i got them from has ran them a few times with no problems.
Had them as cuttings the bloke who i got them from has ran them a few times with no problems.
If they are clones then the girl they were taken from wasn't a great genetic source. There must have been an environmental factor that caused stress.
Good genetics can handle basic stress without getting screwed up.
Do your best to pull balls off. And order some seeds from one of our great sponsors now so you can get started before these finish. Then you can take your own clones without fear of hermie.
If they are clones then the girl they were taken from wasn't a great genetic source. There must have been an environmental factor that caused stress.
Good genetics can handle basic stress without getting screwed up.
Do your best to pull balls off. And order some seeds from one of our great sponsors now so you can get started before these finish. Then you can take your own clones without fear of hermie.
Thank you for you replys. I've got some super silver ready to go in a few weeks so will just salvage what I can from this and crack on with them I think. Hopefully I can at least make a little smoke to see me through
Going to be a hell of alot of work for the next 4 weeks
I'm so sorry for such bad news my friend. 4 more weeks,yeiks. I thought you were further along. I had a similar problem years ago. Its just too much time and effort to put into a girl with less than optimal genetics. Hopefully your super silver has a better outcome.
I'm so sorry for such bad news my friend. 4 more weeks,yeiks. I thought you were further along. I had a similar problem years ago. Its just too much time and effort to put into a girl with less than optimal genetics. Hopefully your super silver has a better outcome.
I've used these silver super cut before with good results but I need to take cuts and root which is going to be about 3 weeks so that's why I was going to just let these do there thing and hope for the best
If that’s all you have and the only thing it’s going to pollinate is itself then you could think about flowering it longer. You probably won’t get very much But maybe have nothing much to lose except electricity.

A similar thing happened to me recently- two plants hermied and pollinated the room. I just took it out as an opportunity to throw out most of my plants and take a break. There were a couple close to finishing up I might get a little bit of hash out of. It gives me a chance to shut down for a few weeks and do some cleanup and painting in the grow while I wait for my veg plants to catch up.
Turn that into some bubble hash buddy! It will still be good and you won’t waste anything. Sucks but not a total waste...
I'm gonna let them run i have a fair few in there lol I get what I get even if its just a smoke I don't mind picking seeds out
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