What happened to this seedling?


Well-Known Member
Well I entered it in my journal but I just figured I should ask in here anyway, does anyone know what happened to this seedling? I think I had the fan on too high because it was kind of blowing back and forth pretty violently when I found it, and then when I turned the fan off it leaned over like this...

Bonus question, are these bumps/ridges/ruffles/washboarding on the leaves a sign of water stress? Over or under? Just how seedling leaves look?



It stretched too much for the light and fell over, no problem. She looks good. Is your light perhaps too far away?

Yeah it's about 3 feet over them. Read in Jorge Cervantes book that's where I should set Hid, but mine is only a 400 watt so I don't know if I should worry about light stress and it's air cooled so I can actually bring it down almost on top of them if I wanted.

Here's how high the light is (measured 3 feet at top of cups)


Well anyway I guess I will try 2 feet, unless someone thinks it's safer to go closer. Glad it's just stretch though, I still firmed up the base with a little soil, didn't like it flopping around under its weight
Still having problems with them stretching and falling over so I set the light a foot above the tallest seedling. I am worried about light stress but it seems like I need to be more concerned with stretch. This is the only strain I have that's doing it, the Blackberry Kush, but I don't know if it's really strain specific or if they're just growing faster because my one Frankenberry is doing okay and not stretching.


That one on the left was only about half an inch taller than that before falling over. Maybe there's another issue besides stretch? They just seem to want to fall over
Still having problems with them stretching and falling over so I set the light a foot above the tallest seedling. I am worried about light stress but it seems like I need to be more concerned with stretch. This is the only strain I have that's doing it, the Blackberry Kush, but I don't know if it's really strain specific or if they're just growing faster because my one Frankenberry is doing okay and not stretching.


That one on the left was only about half an inch taller than that before falling over. Maybe there's another issue besides stretch? They just seem to want to fall over

Lower the light some more, use your hand as a guide. Place your hand over the seedlings for a few mins, if your hand starts to feel warm then it's to low. Also if looks like your are using an hps bulb? I would switch it over to Mh for veg, the blue light help stop stretching. If possible turn the fan back on, lower speed. The air pushing against the plant will help strengthen the stem. Best of luck bud.
Hmm good point about the HPS making them stretch. I am trying 12/12 from seed though so I thought maybe it would be best to use the HPS spectrum from the getgo but maybe not it would seem.

They still look pretty unhappy in general though... Not really sure how to describe the leaves, ruffled, cupped down. I wonder if I watered them too much too early.

Hmm good point about the HPS making them stretch. I am trying 12/12 from seed though so I thought maybe it would be best to use the HPS spectrum from the getgo but maybe not it would seem.

They still look pretty unhappy in general though... Not really sure how to describe the leaves, ruffled, cupped down. I wonder if I watered them too much too early.


They really don't need a bag or humidity dome, they need the air flow. cup looks soaked could have over watered as well
They really don't need a bag or humidity dome, they need the air flow. cup looks soaked could have over watered as well

Oh the bags are on ones that haven't sprouted yet, and the tray they're in is just to catch run off. I have been waiting until they feel very light and dry on top but I thought they looked over watered too.

I changed the light to metal halide tonight and did a neem foliar spray and soil drench because I think I have mites.
Oh the bags are on ones that haven't sprouted yet, and the tray they're in is just to catch run off. I have been waiting until they feel very light and dry on top but I thought they looked over watered too.

I changed the light to metal halide tonight and did a neem foliar spray and soil drench because I think I have mites.

yes, i would use MH untill you see flowers starting, then switch to hps.
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