What is happening, please help


420 Member
This is the 10th day of flowering
Led lights 250 true watts
Ph 6.5 medium
Fed them 2 weeks ago.
Temperature 27-29 degrees
The leaves are clawing down and they seem to be slim. Some leaves were curling up too.
Find attached the photo, the plant doesnt look happy or fresh like usual.


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:welcome: @HeySam

In my signature you can find helpfull links for new members and how to ask questions.

couple questions;

what do you mean you feed them two weeks a go??
What are you growing in?
What type of nutrienst are you using?
:welcome: @HeySam

In my signature you can find helpfull links for new members and how to ask questions.

couple questions;

what do you mean you feed them two weeks a go??
What are you growing in?
What type of nutrienst are you using?
Peat moss. Which they mentioned that it hs some nitrogen. I fed them a 4-4-4 two weeks ago.
Nitrogen overdose :(
How bad can it be. Will the plant recover, should i flush. Im on 11 th day of flowering now...
Please advice.
Iv even noticed this plant has a small structure leaves are small, fan leaves are small everythinf is small in general, but she was strong never caused any issues in vegetation(2 months and 2 weeks)
Any ideas why are the leaves small etc...
Looks like it’s a sativa leaning strain. That’s why the leaves are a bit skinny. And also why it doesn’t like a lot of nitrogen. Though by the looks of it the N was probably too high for most any strain.

To flush or not to flush...Hmmm. I’m not a huge fan of flushing but in this case it may be called for.
Maybe others will chime in.

Read what it says on the bag first. Make sure there’s no sort of ‘time release nutrients’ or any of that jazz in there.

Seems from your description like it doesn’t - was doing fine before and then you just overfed.

I guess I would probably flush. Flushing is a decent way to wash out nitrogen. Though it’s a bit of a crapshoot since you don’t have much control over what you end up with in the pot. After flushing- then feed lightly and try to gauge the colour of the leaves over the next while.

If you don’t flush, the plant would normally eventually eat its way through the nutrients in time. But this is a little extreme and since you’re trying to start flowering it may take a while. I think in this case that excess nitrogen would probably harm the flowering
is it a auto flower?

I don't think flushing would help. If the store mentioned that it has nitrogin in it then you need to find out how long that period is before the peatmoss nitrogin is low. flushing it will STRESS it out more and casue further problems.

if you are feeding a 4-4-4 then you are adding more nitrogin to the peatmoss which i think is why you are having this issue.

@Emilya would it help if he uses nutriants that has no nitrogin? He might need to feed organicly so the plant can have everything else but nitrogin
@HeySam , welcome to the forum! :welcome:
peat moss and 4-4-4 in flower... you didn't make it easy, did you? You need a bloom nute now... the plant obviously doesn't like what it is getting.
If you know someone successfully running in peat moss who advised you to grow this way, I would check with them to see how they are doing it. Peat has no nutrients in it, so this is essentially a hydro grow... you need better nutes... quickly.
Thank you everyone
This is a lebanese breed seed not from a dispensary. Seeds from bekaa valley.
The peat moss was the only available option close to coco. I couldnt find any other product, and i didnt want to use any soil.
The fertilizer is non organic its rhe only one available and i used it twice in vegging, i saw signs of tip burn the first time i used the product, so i decided to reduce the quantitiy by fourth the ratio. 2 weeks ago i gave her a small feeding, leaves clawed down.
I couldnt find any fertilizer in my country for blooming, all products have nitrogen. 4-4-4 was the only available option, or other fertilizers had 20-20-20 ratios which are too strong and require a lot of diltution.
This is the 12th day of flowering.
So i just wait maybe the plant finishes the nitrogen in the medium? The tip burn didnt proceed.
nodes are insanely close to each other and the plant barely stretched.
Thank you again
This is a photo taken today


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Another question
How much should i defoliate
Cause clearly a lot of bud sites are close to each other. I defoliated a lot of leaves and bud sites that wont make it to the top( small stem ones).
But im not satisfied with how bushy it still is.
Any opinions around that
The plant is only 30 cm in height( 13 inches)
Mainlined and topped it 4 times.
It might be the reason behind its short height...
Any opinions on how much more should i defoliate and when to stop this process knowing that the stretching period is at its last 10 days.
Thank you
It's really hard to give you advise without knowing the specific info like brand names. I can say that peat moss has 0 nutrients in it and is on the acidic side. Usually peat mix's for growing will have something added to buffer the ph. That's why I ask for the brand name. If you only watered twice in veg with 4-4-4 unless you really mixed it way to strong. Doesn't make sense to me. Also the brand name of nutes. Pics of the bags or bottles would do.

Myself I would not be defoliating at this time until the plant starts to show signs of recovery you don't want to stress it anymore than it already is.
i agree with oldsmokey. you don't want defoliate and stress it more than what it already is.
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