what is hash

re: what is hash

it is the ingredient(sp) in MJ that gets u high .. basically what u are doing is gettin the trichomes off the plant and just collecting the tirchomes and pressin or rolling in into a solid mass of tirchomes . and yes it will get u really blazed
re: what is hash

yes it fucks you up but i cant explan someone explain this to him
re: what is hash

no sorry didnt see you already posted it took me awhile to type
re: what is hash

hashish is good, u can make it from saving a shit load of roaches and then cookin it up, search the internet for how to make ur own if u have like 1000 roaches.
re: what is hash

Blackturbo gave a good explination as to what Hash is. I'll just give another one. You know that sticky substance on good weed? Those are tiny pistols of THC, or trichomes. Those little babies, which look like juicy light bulbs on a stick under a microscope, are what get you high. If you were to remove all of those sticky crystals from a bud, the bud would not get you high anymore.
Hash is made of pure trichomes. A "dust pile" of trichomes is collected (this dust pile is called "keif" and can be smoked by itself for a great treat OR pressed into hash), and then rolled and pressed into a block. THis block is heated up in an oven, and then pressed some MORE. Eventualy, you get a nice, dark block of HASH, which is really compressed keif.
Hash can be smoked by itself or mixed with weed. To many novice Hash smokers, you might not know how to actualy smoke it. I recomend placing a small base of weed into a pipe, and breaking of a little piece of hash and resting it on top. If the has is real hard, you might want to break it up into little bits before lighting it. If it is soft, flatten it out as THIN as you can into a pancake (ANd a LITTLE bit goes a long way, so dont take off a huge chunk LOL) and place it over the top of your weed. Now, gently TAP the hash with your lighter, DO NOT TORCH IT like you would weed. That is simply a waste of trichome's if you do that. THe soft hash will usualy sizzle, bubble, and turn into an oily vapor when you tap it. The harder hash will usualy get a piece lit like an incense stick and you can slowly smoke it that way. If your hash catches fire, blow it out, and try tapping it a but more gently. The goal is to get a piece of the hash red hot so it slowly burns down, NOT to get the whole thing ablaze.
Of course, everyone has their own method for smoking hash...some do it with knives, others use a pin and a glass......the above method is probably the easiest for your pusposes.
re: what is hash

hash isnt as good as weed. you have to mix it w/ tobacco when rollin it up which sucks if u're not a smoker. If you have weed just stick to that.

the only hash i ever tried that was better than weed was iceolator hash in Amsterdam which cost 25 euro a GRAM and was the shiznit
re: what is hash

isos 42o said:
hash isnt as good as weed. you have to mix it w/ tobacco when rollin it up which sucks if u're not a smoker.

Hash is the shit...
Why whould you mix hash with tobacco instead of pot? I would hot knife it before I soiled it with tobacco.
re: what is hash

isos, Iceolator IS some damn good hash (I too got that in Amsterdam...along with ZeroZero...OH MAN!). But hands down, even the strongest weed you find probably wouldn't be as strong as the weakest hash you could get your hands on. Since Hash is merely compressed THC, you are for sure getting much more of it into your system than if you smoke plant material covered in THC (IE: unprocessed Weed).
As for mixing it with tobaco, that is how hash is commonly smoked in Europe (At least, that's been my experience). In the States, hash is smoked mixed with WEED, or on its own in a chillum or other smoking device. I know in Europe, thats how most people knew I was a "Yank" (Or American) was when I rolled a pure weed joint. Most europeansd I ran into who smoked ganja rolled theirs up with tobaco.
re: what is hash

JRI i said to mix hash w/ tobacco because when I used hash in the middle east thats all they smoked there. they dont have weed just hash.

PM I meant weed is better via overall experience and taste n stuff.

as far as rollin weed w/ tobacco in a joint im really shocked that not everyone does it. the joint smokes alot more even not canoeing and almost smoking like a cig. the trick is to grind up your weed very very fine then mix it. the more you grind your weed the better it smokes in a joint for sure. I'm from thr states but I do the whole king size 1.25 rollin paper, paper filter, and tobacco european method which I LOVE.
re: what is hash

Isos, cool beans. It really bouls down to personal taste. Hash by itself doesnt give you the same effect as weed, and if hash is ALL I have, I long for weed. But when I'm OUT of hash, I long for hash LOL. You're a lucky individual if you have the choice of smoking either or, even better, both at the same time ;-)
I bet people in the US aren't familiar with mixing tobaco with weed/hash because in the US smoking has such a health stigma. In California, you can't even smoke in a restauraunt OR bar. You cant smoke in buildings, movies, etc. In Europe (and I'm assuming the middle east) EVERYONE, including the unborn fetuses it seems, smokes a pack a minute, and almost every European I met rolled their own ciggerettes. Coming from California, it was almost sureal walking into a mall and watching people smoke in the mall itself. I think because tobaco is much more aceptable in Europe and it's become somewhat of a taboo here in the US is the reason you are finding confusion.
re: what is hash

I am currently saving up stems, really sticky frosty stems from buds, and im am going to try to make hash as soon as i get about 10 grams of stems. I was going to try to used the alcohol evaporation technique i've read about on here. stem bud? anyone think it's gonna work? i know it wont be as good as making it with bud but stems would just be thrown out otherwise i figured i had nothing to loose trying it...
re: what is hash

Hmmm, from what I've heard, 10 grams of stems wont be enough to make hash. You might consider soaking them in alcohol for a tincture instead.
re: what is hash

what is a tincture? i was going to try the method of chopping up into powder, soak in alchol, filter, then evaporate...
re: what is hash

Highness, a Tincture is THC disolved into alcohol with honey added into the liquid for flavoring and texture. Basicaly, you soak about a half ounce of chopped up, dried marijuana into about 4 fluid ounces of alcohol that is at least 80 proof (Brandy is the best, in my opinion, but Rum isnt too bad either) and let it sit for 2 weeks to a month. Drain the mixture through a cheese cloth, and ad honey to taste. About 5-10 drops of this liquid under your tounge, and you will feel an awesome high in about 10-15 minutes. I bet if you chopped up your stems and soaked them in alchol, while it might not be as powerful as soaking a bunch of bud, you may get a decent tincture out of them. Keep in mind that the cheaper the hooch, the more it will burn when you put it under your tounge.
re: what is hash

I got a question. doesn't the THC on the stems dissolved over a period of time? even with 10 grams of stems, by the time you make tincture there probably won't be as much THC left. i guess what i'm tryin to say is.. would it work with stems even if it's been sitting around for a minute
re: what is hash

Well, 10 grams of stems is really pushing it for any type of effective tincture, although I've never made it with stems so I cant say for certain. Id recomend he use HALF the alcohol...maybe 2 fluid ounces at most.
I DO know that to make hash, you need about an ounce of shake, or a half ounce of bud (at the least), so 10 grams of stems wouldnt be a good option for making hash, in my opinion. If he had an OUNCE of stems, then he might be able to do it. Let us know what happens Highness.
re: what is hash

yea man try it out highness and keep us posted very curious
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