What's For Lunch!


Well-Known Member
Today we are having frosted homegrown...


very pretty. i think i might grind sum buds up right now.
That's the best painkiller I ever took. not even a 1/4 tsp. and I am zonkered. I feel no back and shoulder pain that I have had for the last 3 days. I just had to make somthing a bit stronger.

I'm glad it worked well for you. The strain I got yesterday is a pretty good painkiller as well, but it takes about a 0.5 g to completely take away the pain in my knee.
Awww. It's been too long since I've had some herb.
I have got to ask can you snort keef?

You're not the only one to ever wonder about this.
A few years ago, me and a friend did an experiment, based on my idea that cannabis might be used in the other ways tobacco is.

So, we finely ground some bud , and snorted it like snuff. Then we did a line of kief, neither of those were real enjoyable to me. Then we put big buds of fresh, sticky skunk between our cheek and gums for an hour, or so. Like chewing tobacco, but no spitting allowed! It was a good taste, and eventually chewed and swallowed it.

We got totally wrecked, which proves just about any form of ingestion works. But I wouldn't reccomend these methods. Although, it's not much stranger than cannabis spagetti sauce, or suppositories.:grinjoint::partyboy:

Does anyone need to get high that bad? I haven't smoked in over a month and I feel no need to stick some weed in my butt when I find some.
Does anyone need to get high that bad? I haven't smoked in over a month and I feel no need to stick some weed in my butt when I find some.

just be sure to get rid of the stems first:grinjoint:
And it's also much too painful for some people to smoke, and sometimes even vaporize from what I've heard. IMO, many patients who can't hold their medibles down or can't smoke or vaporize can greatly benefit from cannabis suppositories.
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