White Lemon (Yet to be Released Strain from Green House) and Arjan's Haze 3

Re: White lemon(yet to be released strain from Green House) and Arjan's haze 3

i grow Hydroponically using flytocell and perlite.

I water by hand.

I use a base nutrient, which I supplement with organics;

my base nutrient is a coco nutrient from Nutrified;

I add zyme, which but in short it is a root stimulator mixed with enzymes and amino acids that is targeted to deliver balanced root growth and shoot growth and keep plant roots healthy.

cargo boost(which is a nutrient delivery system)
" *

* Dramatically increases nutrient uptake by increasing the supply and uptake of nutrients through plant roots, stimulating more rapid growth and higher yields
* Stabilises pH from fluctuations reducing nutrient toxicities and deficiencies caused by an unstable pH which leads to nutritionally satisfied plants
* Increases beneficial micro organism breeding rates to bring hydroponics mediums to life for improved plant health


Cargo Boost helps to deliver rapid growth and larger yields as it is made up of small molecules that increase the nutrients ability to chelate. Due to the chelating speed being increased the plants have the ability to uptake more nutrient.

As the name would suggest, the molecules work like a container of cargo. By attaching themselves to the elements the molecules deliver the food to your plants root system from the pool of nutrient molecules; 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. It unloads the cargo (nutrient) before returning to the pool of nutrient molecules to repeat the process. Cargo Boost also pushes more nutrients through the plants outer cell wall and helps stabilize your systems pH from large fluctuations to maximise nutrient uptake. "

from Nutrifield's web site and again from their web site:


Fulife is an organic electrolyte. Electrolytes are soluble particles that can effectively conduct an electrical current in liquid and plant substrates. The electrical activity serves to convert silica and metallic elements into easily absorbable plant food, while at the same time increasing the nutrient chelating speed. Plants respond by being able to take up previously unavailable elements leading to nutritionally satisfied healthy plants.

ocean mist which is fish emulsion and Alaskan Pure, which consists of seaweed.

as well I use a range of beneficial bacteria and fungi.

at the moment the seedlings are under a 600 watt halide, and a 600watt sunpulse 6,4 bulb.

I grow in big pots (13 gallons or 52 liters) and pump air in the root zone using a air pump and air stone on the bottom of each pot below the medium.

I set a low EC with the base nutrient,(about one third of what I want the ec to be.)
as this is supplemented by organics which could raise the EC to toxic levels and burn the plants if I do not use a low EC with my base nutrient.
happy growing,
Hi blackthunder
Is this grow still alive?

If so, please update us with some pictures and info.

How about posting a 420 Strain Review?

If you need any help with posting photos, please read the photo gallery tutorial:
Photo Gallery Guide - How to Resize, Upload & Post Photos

I am moving this to abandoned journals until we get updates.

Thanks and hope all is well in your world!

Love and respect from all of us here at 420 Magazine!
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