White spots on leaves, please help!


420 Member
I'm new to growing and recognised these white spots on leaves. Anyone could help me with this?

Growing on balcony, seeds: RQS Bubble kush auto, medium: guanokalong, bucket size: 11 l.
No pests.

Thank you!


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Welcome to 420,kubannec :welcome:
Those little spots look like spidermite damage.
They are extremely small,so you're not going to really see
them without a loupe,or some other type of magnification.
Neem oil works,but you shouldn't use it close to harvest-how far into flowering are you?
Neem oil might be ok,just try not to get too much on the buds-it stinks a bit.
You'll need to spray it every 3 days till they're gone-hopefully they're just on those lower leaves.
There may be something less stinky you could use,but I'm not sure what that would be.
Might have to enlist google's help on that.
Thank you very much for help! Yes it is mainly on lower leaves. Last question, should I cut most affected leaves?
Thank you very much for help! Yes it is mainly on lower leaves. Last question, should I cut most affected leaves?
Don't punish the plant for having a predator... just kill the predators. You could cut out some of the worst infestation, but you won't get them all. At least they are now isolated to the worst leaves. This is bad timing though being so close to harvest. Neem or other pesticides are going to still be on those buds by harvest... I wouldn't smoke it. Also, neem at this stage under hot lights could really hurt your plant... be sure to test one branch before you go wild. You might be able to turn the final product into oil or butter even so... so it may not be a total loss. There are also natural ways to go after them... isopropyl and water... high speed spray... but right now speed is of the essence and eventually you are going to have to kill these critters or they will keep coming back grow after grow. Mites are a terrible problem in the indoor garden and I don't envy you at all. Good luck!
....I just saw this thread, and am just passing through... I am surely not trying to say anything negative about some or all of the advice you are receiving about your issue, however I use Neem oil derived from FRESH Rosemary, and extracted personally.. I use it throughout the ENTIRE grow and stay relatively bug free indoors or Outdoors. During flowering, make sure to spritz each leaf individually not the whole plant and use Q-tips to clean any and all white spots ( which are eggs ) off of your leaves only... If you take the time to do each leaf individually, it won't affect your flowers in any manner... That being said this is time consuming to say the least, and if you have more than a couple of plants it may be exhausting.. If you are growing for yourself just know that almost every bud that homegrowers put out have a bug, mold, or other issue when cured or dried.. That is the reason in legal states, not just anyone can sell to the distribution center in bulk.. I have grown professionally as the on site Master grower ( although I am only Good in my personal opinion ) and I have grown for profit when it was illegal... Indoors, Outdoors it really doesn't matter.. Neem oil extract is far more appealing in your smoke than bugs.. Furthermore if your Neem oil stinks you have it mixed WAY too strong.... It should have a LIGHT rosemary/sandlewood smell when mixed properly especially in times of flower...
... For future reference making a 2 to 3 inch layer of fine sand or perlite on top of you plant medium if using soil and such will Seriously deter any future infestations of mites, nematodes, or flies.. Also helps to keep you grow area isolated, and clean.. Yourself included with any contact being limited to those who have washed hands and such, but also shaken off their clothes in a friendly fashion.. ( If that makes sense )
... All this being said to get to this..... It looks to me from these pictures that you have a nematode infestation mostly.. They leave trails where the eat, and mites do not.. The egg or reproduction stage is quite similar in appearance and therefore easily mistaken for other infestations.. Not to say you don't have mites but in this picture that you posted and I Photo shopped the arrows point to trails and not just dots..

The tips of the leaves are discolored most likely due to wind or sun/ light over exposure and is easily corrected..
.. Emilya as well as other members on this site are VERY knowledgeable, and skilled and I am in no way trying to tell you to listen to one or more Members over others... Do some research on here or elsewhere on line about common pests, and their traits.. Never rely on the word of someone only, ALWAYS research and listen to others advice... I have been doing this Gig for a long, Long time and I learn something every day... If you don't then you would almost Have to be deceased LOL... Green Day and I hope this help and inspired you to get out there and research...
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