White Widow Nute burn or lockout?


420 Member
Hello everyone,

I have an issue with my White Widow, which started with what looked like burnt tips. I assumed it was a nute burn and flushed them, however i still see progressing yellowing. I am also wondering if Bio Bizz even has the strength to cause a nute burn, since i keep hearing that they are kind of weak in general. Could anyone kindly help me because it seems to get worse each day and i am getting worried and not sure how to proceed. Photos and info attached!

Thanks in advance!

What Strain is it? - White widow
Is it Indica, Sativa or Hybrid? + Hybrid
How Many Plants? - 1
Stage - Flower day 39 after switch to 12/12
Soil bio bizz light
36 liter pot repotted twice
Light DIY 4x cob Vero 29, 307 watt, 45 cm above canopy. Not air cooled
Temperature of Room/Cabinet? 29c day, 25c night. Unable to lower due to high heat outside
RH of Room/Cabinet? 40%
PH of Medium or Reservoir? pH of tap water 7.2
Any Pests? No
How Often are you Watering? Every three to four days, when fully dry.
Type and Strength of Fertilizers used? Biobizzz grow, 4ml, bloom 4ml, top max 3ml, heaven 4ml, algamic 4ml with every watering
Size or Square Footage of Room? 1 square meter


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I think I may have watered them with too few water which in return may have caused a nutrient build-up , is that possible? The run off water from the flush was kind of dark and seems to indicate a fertilizer build up? The runoff pH was also extremely low, around 5.4. should i still give low strength nutrients or just plain water for the next week?
Assuming the same on nute build up with the low PH run off. Do you water till you have a little run off? Assuming a good flush would do her right; use water x2-x3 the volume of the pot Ex; 5L pot = 10L-15L PH'd water. Test the run off's PH and PPM to get it as near to the water you're flushing it with throughout the flush.

It's happened to me in the past and is fixable. You'll know within the following week if it worked, though the leaves damage will stay till harvest.

Happy Growing.

EDIT : I read that you've flushed already after writing this .... :rolleyes:

So yes, I would introduce a nutes back slowly and double check a PH of 6.5 with your water.
She seems to have recovered, the yellowing stopped progressing almost immediately after the flush and reintroducing low amount of nutes as per your suggestion, super grateful! Thanks! Btw, yes I did flush around triple the container size and no I did not water with runoff which I now identified as the mistake. I'm a novice still :)
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