Why we smoke?

Sublime. . . And I don't mean the band, although they are great too. I mean the feeling of viewing something so beautiful or powerful or infinite when high. I only really appreciate that high. I love that it calms me down and allows me to think with a completely open and unbiased mind.

I too have anxiety issues (GAD) and I find marijuana to be a much better treatment than xanax.
Because my anxiety is out of the roof and I'm pretty much a Dick without it...:scratchinghead:
It takes the edge off a hard day. The weed effects feel better after a hard day.
To greet...one word.Not the first word to come to mind thinking of cannabis, but one none the less it's a signifigant one.But most of us have met people who have changed our lives through Marry Jane.I feel that goes for this place as well,I've meet several folks here I consider friends who I never would of met if not for being likeminded.
To greet...one word.Not the first word to come to mind thinking of cannabis, but none none the less it's a signifigant one.But most of us have meet people who have changed our lives through Marry Jane.I feel that goes for this place as well,I've meet several folks here I consider friends who I never would of meet if not for being likeminded.

Same with me. I've met all of my closest friends through cannabis. And also, I never would have known anyone here.

-jps :peace:
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