Wild Strain From The Midwest



Clones are just sitting content
Lovely looking ladies, I'm loving those long skinny leafs under that scrog. It should fill that net soon.

Lovely looking ladies, I'm loving those long skinny leafs under that scrog. It should fill that net soon.

Thanks brother, I love the sativa leaves. And I've found some with 10 fingers so I think she'll throw out some big 11 finger leaves when she gets bigger!!

Ive never really done a scrog before, I was just trying to get heads and manipulate them a little (I did a lot of LST in my indoor grows)

After the monster I had last year, I want to have more control of the foliage.

They are growing quickly! F1 and F3 seem to grow traditionally, but F2 likes to grow way out then up.
So it's 82° outside and 95° in the top of the green house.
I checked the ground temp and it was 75° in the surrounding ground and 69° in the hole (I'm assuming bc I watered yesterday and did this little trick I'm about to show you.


It got hot yesterday, low 90s, and I covered these like this after I watered them.
I was worried because I watered them later in the day and it was hot as fuck in the greenhouse. Essentially I didn't want to boil the roots.
I removed the cardboard later in the night 7:30ish and the area I water looked moist and was cool to the touch.
They've continued to thrive so that's good.

I didn't get a chance to make it to home despot for my vent, but I should be able to tomorrow. It will be 98° (and I'm not talking Nick Lachey) tomorrow so I want to get it vented asap.
But I think this is a effective method of keeping the root zone significantly cooler!
So the heat wave starts today.

That's right now, and its fucking sweltering. The munchkin cooperated and I made it to Home Depot for vent though.
About 35 min and a gallon of sweat later...



So even though it feels like 99° out, the ladies are happy as can be.
Tomatoes and peppers are thirsty though lol

Needless to say, after the vent went in, it instantly cooled it down, what felt like 15-20°!
I'm feeling way more confident for tomorrow and Thursday!!!
Nicely done, brother. I gotta get mine caged up tomorrow. Gotta find bamboo stakes.
Thanks bro! I found the smallest attic vent and some real deal duct tape and went at it. Actually super simple and has the option to close the vent too (for winter time)
The plants will thank me the next two days.
Gonna pull the Toms and peppers inside tomorrow and Thursday.

Looks like pistils are popping up more, so pretty sure we'll be 'flipped' by next week.

F3 still has maybe only 3 pistils throughout.
Curiouser and couriouser
Looking good and some great ideas.
Thanks man! It's funny, I was talking to my wife about the vent and she goes, "this is what you did with the box inside. Every week it was 'its good, but I can make it better'" haha

Gingernuity, I call it. Lol ever since I was MacGyvering things to smoke out of
This morning I went out to take a, post day one of hell heat, picture.
My wife wasn't bullshitting, everyone in here looks happy as shit! Today's round two!!! If they perform well, they will be rewarded with a hardy bloom feeding!!!
F1 is by far the monster. F2 makes me laugh with it's bottom two levels and I'm just waiting on F3 to show me something





Oh dude be careful going between his grow and yours. I visit a lot of grows and it's always shower and fresh clothes on the way out and fresh clothes and a shower when I get home and the clothes go as far away from the my grow as possible usually directly in the washer. Just to be sure not to share bugs and or disease.
I bit the bullet and bought some feminized auto seeds!
They should be here in a couple days!!!


Anybody have experience with these strains and/or growers choice seeds?
Yes, purple flowers taste a bit like pepper, there hard to grow big, and do not like lots of N. Your tang dream will be a breeze, and its great smoke.

So the heat wave starts today.

That's right now, and its fucking sweltering. The munchkin cooperated and I made it to Home Depot for vent though.
About 35 min and a gallon of sweat later...



So even though it feels like 99° out, the ladies are happy as can be.
Tomatoes and peppers are thirsty though lol

Needless to say, after the vent went in, it instantly cooled it down, what felt like 15-20°!
I'm feeling way more confident for tomorrow and Thursday!!!
Nice job on vent, looks like solid work.

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