Will letting my tap water sit open lower the pH


Well-Known Member
I know letting my water sit in an open container will evaporate the chlorine, but will it lower th the P H also? I have 20 gallons in rotation at the moment by the time I get to using it ,it has sat open for 3 weeks. I check the water coming out of the tap and have regularly gotten between 7.0 and 6.9 . but I noticed today my water bottles are at 6.6 and fresh out of the tap it's 7.0
If you would like to conduct a survey on this phenome & how it effects the cannabis plant please be my guest.

When other species of plants beyond cannabis may not get the same treatment AKA a long story cut short... minor rant !

Chemicals added to water may have a PH value their is a chance chlorine has a PH value as well :thumb: this is purely to keep the water clean from various problems & as we all know it eveporates in a matter of time.

After all it has to travel miles or kilometers under ground to make sure when it reach's you it is safe for human consumption.

Many other industries use the same source of tap water to water their plants... go put ya tin foil hat on about that :Namaste:
Short answer is yes but its usually the opposite.

Think about rain water. It's acidic until it sits out and will absorb Hydrogen from the air slightly raising your pH of the rain water. So it works both ways. Tap water has likely been adjusted for pH at the water company and likely has enough elements in the water to hold onto Hydrogen molecules so your tap water pH will likely remain the same as it was yesterday even with aeration and sitting out.
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