Will She Ever Swell?

This is a Northern Light Auto that is on it 90th day. Does she look like she will ever get there? She just doesn't filling in and I cut back on the nutes last week and she is losing all of her fan leaves. Did I stop nutrients to soon? Is she still going to be able to flower and fill out like she is supposed to? I feel like she will never get there. I expected to harvest her around the 100th day. Does she look like she is on track to be harvested in 2 weeks? I feel like there's so much left to grow that 2 weeks wouldn't be enough... Thank you in advance as I am a rookie and appreciate any opinion I can get! I love this place!
That's nothing to do with a lack of nutes I'm afraid. You fried her with too much nutes. Waay too much for quite a while by the look of it.
If it was a lack of nutes the leaves would all be yellow amongst other things.
If that frying was caused by the lights it would also be effecting more than the area it is. The tops would be entirely burnt to a crisp aswell.
Too strong a feed without a doubt.
I can see I've got 4 pages to catch up on too so off for a read now.
yeah old salt knows his shit. sorry but if it hasnt swollen by now it probably isnt, last few weeks is a final push and ripening, you missed the swelling aready if youre at 90 days flower
Plenty strains take 14 weeks to finish mate. Anything 80%+ sativa is usually pushing it to be done in 12 weeks.
I mean you name it, I did it. I even split her stem. I think I just answered my own question as to why the buds are so airy. I feel like she stopped packing on weight as soon as I split her stem. Autos can't handle that. Lesson learned. Damn man.
Wrong lol. Autos can handle anything if grow conditions are optimal.
That's nothing to do with a lack of nutes I'm afraid. You fried her with too much nutes. Waay too much for quite a while by the look of it.
If it was a lack of nutes the leaves would all be yellow amongst other things.
If that frying was caused by the lights it would also be effecting more than the area it is. The tops would be entirely burnt to a crisp aswell.
Too strong a feed without a doubt.
I can see I've got 4 pages to catch up on too so off for a read now.
I'm sorry and I don't want to differ with someone who's better than me, but it's definitely not too much nutrients. She was beautifully Lush and green until about a week after I stopped nutrients. While I was only giving her pH water and molasses, her leaves started to do that.
Wrong lol. Autos can handle anything if grow conditions are optimal.
Touche. Thank you for your input! I just have a problem even germinating autos. I've never had issues with my photos but something about these autos... I need to chime in on my environment conditions!
Touche. Thank you for your input! I just have a problem even germinating autos. I've never had issues with my photos but something about these autos... I need to chime in on my environment conditions!
Root riots are the answer my friend.
£5 for 24 on Amazon and they work every time. Light or dark, doesn't matter. Don't even have to water them when they're fresh. Just put the raw seed in completely untouched and leave it somewhere vaguely warm. 15*c and they'll pop after a couple days every time.
So raise the lights or lower them as close as the plant allows???

Remember, I grow in a 2' X 4' tent, and my canopy fills the space entirely. Despite what I said, I've been lowering the lights as much as I can. What I try to do is keep them at a height where the beam width covers the canopy. Most LED lights have a beam width, or cone of 90°, so that's what I use. If you remember your trigonometry, an equilateral right angle triangle has two 45° angles, and two equal sides. I keep my minimum height to the same distance as the edge of the light is to the tent wall. Here's a diagram:


What happens is the area directly under the light gets the highest intensity, and the intensity drops off as you approach the sides of the canopy. As you can imagine, the canopy directly under the light grows lushest.

To get around this, I'm building my own light that more evenly distributes its output over the entire canopy. I'm using COBs on 30cm or roughly 12" centers. Now the output will look like this:


If this light is raised to double the distance from the canopy shown, the edge of one COB's beam will fall in the center of the two beside it. The outer COB's beams will reflect off of the tent wall back to it's own center. This should fix the problem, as well as providing a better spectrum. My next grow will demonstrate whether or not my theory holds true in practice.
I'm sorry and I don't want to differ with someone who's better than me, but it's definitely not too much nutrients. She was beautifully Lush and green until about a week after I stopped nutrients. While I was only giving her pH water and molasses, her leaves started to do that.

Nobody is better than anyone else. Everyone is here to help. I don’t think it was nutes at all having run the same strain and breeder with the same f’d up plant.
Nobody is better than anyone else. Everyone is here to help. I don’t think it was nutes at all having run the same strain and breeder with the same f’d up plant.
That, and her sisters are beautiful!!! And thank you so much for the kind words. I'm really impressed by everyone here! I really do love this place!
Inverse Square Law Formula. ... The intensity of light is inversely proportional to the square of the distance. This means that as the distance from a light source increases, the intensity of light is equal to a value multiplied by 1/d2
put down the joint Emilya. :rofl:
Okay so I've heard like three times now of other people having problems with their crop King seeds. Anybody else have issues with cks? I thought they were a reputable source. Hmmmm...
Okay so I've heard like three times now of other people having problems with their crop King seeds. Anybody else have issues with cks? I thought they were a reputable source. Hmmmm...
the only experience I have with cks is I purchased 10 black Indica seeds a year-and-a-half ago from them and all of them germinated and grew into plants.
Lumens is the intensity of the light visible to the human eye. It is weighted in the yellow/green part of the spectrum.
PAR is the intensity of the light usable by plants. The yellow/green part of the spectrum is not weighted when measuring it.
PPFD is derived from the PAR values.

Now riddle me this... The light not usable by the plant is reflected, giving them that yellow/green color we associate with healthy vegetation. What about our purple plants? They don't reflect that yellow/green color. They reflect parts of the red and blue spectrum everyone is telling us these plants need. To me this indicates that our purple plants need the yellows and greens. I understand the absorption graphs that are used everywhere light and plants are discussed. I also know that these graphs were derived by studying the response of a single plant species. Doesn't it stand to reason that all plants do not use light in the same manner?

Don't take this as gospel. These are just some of the thoughts bouncing around my brain, or as my daughter would put it "that empty space between my ears".
Interesting, I’m assuming when you say purple plants you’re talking purple cannabis like girls scout cookies. Notoriously low yielder...sounds like a fun test to me.
You should find the article in the post above yours interesting to say the least. Your blue light experiment is great. I think it's as important as this one.
You should find the article in the post above yours interesting to say the least. Your blue light experiment is great. I think it's as important as this one.
Agreed, and I have access to just the cut I think. If only some lighting companies *cough @420 cough* would break us off some highly adjustable spectrum lights (and maybe a couple lab coats)... young @Old Salt and I can get to work. Wives can cap our new grow equipment investment accounts, but never our curiosity :)

Okay so I've heard like three times now of other people having problems with their crop King seeds. Anybody else have issues with cks? I thought they were a reputable source. Hmmmm...

I’m growing 4 Cali og kush/Haze from CKS. Everything has been great up until 2 starting showing calcium issues at week 3 Flower.

I had 5 seeds originally. All 5 popped quickly, and did great. One of the plants was super tiny. But otherwise perfect. And one plant, which is still amazingly healthy. Does not look like the others at all! It’s the back left one!


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I’m growing 4 Cali og kush/Haze from CKS. Everything has been great up until 2 starting showing calcium issues at week 3 Flower.

I had 5 seeds originally. All 5 popped quickly, and did great. One of the plants was super tiny. But otherwise perfect. And one plant, which is still amazingly healthy. Does not look like the others at all! It’s the back left one!
Nice canopy dude! Wowza!
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