Yet another dumb newbie PH

Baja Big Dog

New Member

I have a 25 gallon resi, and my pH started (from the tap) at 7.8, I have used approx 3 oz of PH down, and my PH is not going down, its been about 5 days, and I keep adding PH down, and its now at about much PH down should it take to drop it to mid 6's?

Is there a common chart to reduce the PH?
Seems like a decent comparison would be to drop the ph of a 25 gal container of water not in your grow system.
Seems like you're using allot of ph down. I had similar issues once and the ph issue was an indicator of root rot.


Shouldnt read these when stoned!!:roorrip:

Im confused, I am checking the PH of the resi, did I miss something, and remember...I am the driver of the short bus!!:grinjoint:
One of my concerns is the changing of the water, (if the water should be changed once or every other week), if it takes a couple days to get the PH adjusted, what do you do when you have 3-4 times a day watering?

Separate water prep reservoir?
:rollit:you should keep your res with enough water for a couples watering sessions. it doesnt go bad. having new watter, fresh water, is ideal. you shouldnt be watering 3-4 times a day. canabis reacts better when there is a complete wet dry cycle. so water when your pots are lite. it takes about a 1/4 teaspoon to lower a 7.8-8 ph down to a 6.2-6.5 in on gal of water. so in a 25 gal res you would be using just around 3 tablespoons of ph down. if my calc are correct. but it does take a bit to raise and lower in that amount of water. less is more, make sure you do bits at a time until you reach your desired ph level, try not to use ph up then down then up, etc. make sure to mix your res very well, and test after all your nutes have been added, then adjust. good luck man. be patient and youll be golden! stay high:rollit:
Explain you setup bud.. eb and grow NFT, soil etc..

Also what type of nutes are you using? Some buffer pH waaay better than others and require very little pH maintenance.. For example I manage 2 x 55 gallon reservoirs (i use RO filtered water which helps a lot) and GH Flora Series Nutes. Once I mix all my nutes I am sitting at about 5.6-5.8 without using any pH down. It will slowly drift up as nutes get used out of the water and I add 15ml pH down here and there to keep it close to 5.5. (Hydro Ebb and flow grow)
:rollit:you should keep your res with enough water for a couples watering sessions. it doesnt go bad. having new watter, fresh water, is ideal. you shouldnt be watering 3-4 times a day. canabis reacts better when there is a complete wet dry cycle. so water when your pots are lite. it takes about a 1/4 teaspoon to lower a 7.8-8 ph down to a 6.2-6.5 in on gal of water. so in a 25 gal res you would be using just around 3 tablespoons of ph down. if my calc are correct. but it does take a bit to raise and lower in that amount of water. less is more, make sure you do bits at a time until you reach your desired ph level, try not to use ph up then down then up, etc. make sure to mix your res very well, and test after all your nutes have been added, then adjust. good luck man. be patient and youll be golden! stay high:rollit:

Ya, I have been creeping up on it, one cap full at a time, and its not coming down, so Im gonna try more, just didnt know what a good baseline to use...thanks....

Explain you setup bud.. eb and grow NFT, soil etc..

Also what type of nutes are you using? Some buffer pH waaay better than others and require very little pH maintenance.. For example I manage 2 x 55 gallon reservoirs (i use RO filtered water which helps a lot) and GH Flora Series Nutes. Once I mix all my nutes I am sitting at about 5.6-5.8 without using any pH down. It will slowly drift up as nutes get used out of the water and I add 15ml pH down here and there to keep it close to 5.5. (Hydro Ebb and flow grow)

Ebb and flow, three 2x2 trays, and one 25 gallon resi. NJo nutes yet, as I(m gonna plant clones, and based on my reading, I dont want to use nutes at this stage, (for a couple weeks). I am gonna get an RO system, got one in the kitchen, but its a pain in the ass to drag 25 gallons to the other side of the house!!
Im growing in Rockwool, with cocomat.

What water cycle when I plant the clones, one guy told me to mist them for a couple days, then the watering should be enough?

Also in no nutes for a couple weeks good advice?
Must use nutes at all times in hydro (except final flush) as there is nothing in the water for the plants to use.

I water (flood) every 4 hours for 15 minutes with hydroton.. not sure about coco mat. How long does it take to dry out after watering it? Adjust your cycle around that.

RE: nutes.. You should run at least 250-300 ppm for starters then work up to 1500 in full bloom.

Ya, I have been creeping up on it, one cap full at a time, and its not coming down, so Im gonna try more, just didnt know what a good baseline to use...thanks....

Ebb and flow, three 2x2 trays, and one 25 gallon resi. NJo nutes yet, as I(m gonna plant clones, and based on my reading, I dont want to use nutes at this stage, (for a couple weeks). I am gonna get an RO system, got one in the kitchen, but its a pain in the ass to drag 25 gallons to the other side of the house!!
Im growing in Rockwool, with cocomat.

What water cycle when I plant the clones, one guy told me to mist them for a couple days, then the watering should be enough?

Also in no nutes for a couple weeks good advice?
Question....have you calibrated your PH tester with PH solution?
I always soak my rockwool and hydroton in water that is proper PH to begin with, not sure about the coco mat, never used the stuff.
I'm switching to Sure to Grow media for my new grow, I'm tired of having media that may play with PH...

I second McBudz reply.....

Best thing I ever did for my PH issues was to add an air pump, and 12 inch air stone to my res, PH stays constant, and I don't have to use so much damn PH down.
Question....have you calibrated your PH tester with PH solution?
I always soak my rockwool and hydroton in water that is proper PH to begin with, not sure about the coco mat, never used the stuff.
I'm switching to Sure to Grow media for my new grow, I'm tired of having media that may play with PH...

I second McBudz reply.....

Best thing I ever did for my PH issues was to add an air pump, and 12 inch air stone to my res, PH stays constant, and I don't have to use so much damn PH down.

I calibrated my PH meter per the instructions, and I recently picked up a multi meter, but I dont have any calibration fluids yet, (will get some today). I am running a 6 inch stone 24/7 ion my 25 gallon resi.

My PH ois not constant at 5.6
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