You know your high when

Re: You know your high when....

this is for jakemeup:

You know your high put your bubbler in your pocket and get stank water all over the place...hahahhaa
Re: You know your high when....

When you hand some one your cellphone instead of a bowl. (just pulled this one off yesterday)
Re: You know your high when....

u know your high when ya dont wanna move your hand 6 inches to get the remote and change the channel
Re: You know your high when....

You know you're high when you look at yourself in the mirror and say, "Good lord. I'm f*cking stoned." and promptly take another hit.
Re: You know your high when....

You know youre high when....... Uhhh what thread is this.... uhh oh yeah you know youre high when.... Hey the godfathers on AMC.... uhh oh yeah wait damn it which thread is this? oh yeah..... you know youre high when it takes you over an hour to post a reply.... damn you ADD.
Re: You know your high when....

Bubbler water is my nemesis.
Re: You know your high when....

jakemeup said:
You know youre high when....... Uhhh what thread is this.... uhh oh yeah you know youre high when.... Hey the godfathers on AMC.... uhh oh yeah wait damn it which thread is this? oh yeah..... you know youre high when it takes you over an hour to post a reply.... damn you ADD.

ADD..gotta love that...Godfathers on AMC? wait over an hour? what? hahahaha
Re: You know your high when....

You know your high when you are about to light up again but you lost your lighter and after a long time of looking you see that its in your hand. (Happened to me lastnight)
Re: You know your high when....

u kno ur hi when ur thinkin about somethin in ur head and at the time ur thinkin bout it it will fade and ull forget wat u were thinkin or talkin bout fast as hell
Re: You know your high when....

CherryEyed said:
Technically, I posted before you at 11:49AM and you then posted at 12:01PM. So it was more like 10 minutes rather then over half an hour.

It's all good, though:smokin3:

I was trying to give insight into the path my mind takes sometimes. While that post didnt necessarily take an hour it takes me a while sometimes. I was just giving you all a walk in my shoes. You know..... like a "for instance" case. Word....... :allgood: :bong:
Re: You know your high when....

You know youre high when you can watch the godfather for 3 days straight.
Re: You know your high when....

You know your high when you cant remember if you said it out loud or in your head. You know your high when you light a cigarette, only to have one already burning in the ashtray. You know your high when you go shopping and cant talk to a clerk cause your so damn high.
Re: You know your high when....

Schultz420 said:
you know you're high when your trying to find your other post in this topic and realise it was a different topic altogether you posted in.. and you have to go back to the topic to remember the name even tho you were just telling yourself to remember the name to post it in here.

some hardcore thinking there:laughtwo:
Re: You know your high when....

You now you're high when you ask someone in all seriousness, "What was I just thinking?!"
Re: You know your high when....

bluntman420 said:
you know your high when you get in your car to go someplace but before you can actually start going you need to select the perfect cd for the journey

dats sooooooo true ...first thing i do when i sit in my car is get my cd case and look for a cd and then i get confused which cd to put...:laughtwo:
Re: You know your high when....

you know you're high when you're looking for the joint you just rolled and it's in your ear the whole time

you know you're high when you're baking a pizza and when the oven timer rings you pick up the phone
Re: You know your high when....

you know you're high when you go to the bathroom to piss and forget why you went in there lol I just did that wow I'm toasted!
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