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Most basic religions (both prehistoric and preindustrial) from what I've been able to learn from my limited time on this planet all started with general acceptance of cannabis and a number of various other ethnobotanicals whether it be as a sacrament or just for consumption. Its not just a matter of legally being able to practice freedom of religious and spiritual beliefs (although this is a keystone of the movement) but also being able to accept the truth when it comes to human heritage when put in a global sense. Why did every early culture across the planet use mind altering plants that we found in our respective ecosystems? In my option it has a very simple answer; because we as human beings were(and are) supposed to. Maybe I'm just crazy(If I am I am If I'm not most people are).
What is everyone else's thoughts on this???:scratchinghead::scratchinghead::scratchinghead::scratchinghead::scratchinghead::scratchinghead::scratchinghead::scratchinghead::confused::confused::confused:
It's true,if god didn't want it here he would not have put it here.It's like air,water,rocks, sun,wind,or the ocean,if we were not to use it, god would have stuck it on pluto.
don't get pissed at me for the following :cheesygrinsmiley: :

Who is to say that the GOD everyone praises is not a sham? Religion has been the root of all evil and human genecide in the history of man. The world is a very cruel place and people needed to escape. This is before whiskey and vodka and pharm. drugs poisoned our world. people would drink herbal teas and smoke herbs to relax. its a plant that is worth more than any single fruit or vegetable grown in the world. i think that it scares the leaders of this world. what would happen if everyone smoked pot and figured out the atrocities that the governments around the globe are responsible for. The world would be a much safer place with the majority of the population substituting weed in the place of alcohol. I know both worlds and smoking pot saved my life. when you are on the fast track to an early grave , marijuana put the brakes on death. the world is cruel and every human looks for the strength to perservere but at some point we have to look deep within ourselves for the answer. I feel very strongly that marijuana makes everyone so much more capable of navigating through life. we look to different gods and governments for guidance when you could spark an L and look to the most important person for guidance: Yourself :adore:
huummmm....nope I don't think I could of put it better. Whether there is or is not a god(s) I put my faith in the plant and the good it could do for humanity.(I think most of if not all of us on this site might feel the same to some degree or another if we can succeed in convincing the rest of the world I know in my heart and spirt that it would be a much better world!)
Separate God from religion and I will listen. I believe religion is a flawed way of interpreting an enigmatic spiritual concept. I believe religion is the root cause for most of the grief we see in the world today.
Given the right circumstances, men can usually find that all the strength and answers they seek, are found within. It is a matter of believing in one's self.
Some members who know me will know I spent 4 and a half month's in Sagmalicar Prison in Istanbul. No God came for me.
I can't agree more with you Moose :passitleft: I only stated the whole "if God is a sham" because for countless centuries man has manipulated the views of their brothers and sisters by using his/her name/names in very successful attempts at brainwashing for profit.This is known as organized religion. I can't say that I have not turned to the Bible for strength when I was alone locked in a cell, but that is what people have done for thousands of years. You turn to a higher power that offers kind and peaceful words to drown out the inner demons that man possesses :bong: The words of the numerous bibles should be read and studied by humans to help establish moral fiber within ourselves. When you actually read and interprete the meaning and use it for your own personal agenda it is amazing what faith can do :adore:
Hey Boss, is that what Scientologists believe? Or are they the ones who believe that Tom Cruise is an alien god from Jupiter :rofl:
Boss, I completely over-looked post #6 and as my girlfriend read this thread I seen it and it really made my mind whirl around in my skull for a while and I had to let you know. It is absolutely amazing how scared we have become of one another and most of all ourselves :bongrip: Thanks to a wonderful plant, no gods or religions, have brought this community together peacefully. And I didn't have to get dressed up on a Sunday morning, all hung over from the night before, to go to a confession to confess to a man who had his way with a little boy while I was drinking myself into the gutter :thedoubletake:
Its a part of life to try new things this is part of living and seeing the world in another perspective ,, If everyone just would sit back and hit on a fatty and enjoy life the world would be a much better place ... And People know this man and have known forever .. So why Is It still illegal !! Shit come on people lets get together now lol
Most basic religions (both prehistoric and preindustrial) from what I've been able to learn from my limited time on this planet all started with general acceptance of cannabis and a number of various other ethnobotanicals whether it be as a sacrament or just for consumption. Its not just a matter of legally being able to practice freedom of religious and spiritual beliefs (although this is a keystone of the movement) but also being able to accept the truth when it comes to human heritage when put in a global sense. Why did every early culture across the planet use mind altering plants that we found in our respective ecosystems? In my option it has a very simple answer; because we as human beings were(and are) supposed to. Maybe I'm just crazy(If I am I am If I'm not most people are).
What is everyone else's thoughts on this???:scratchinghead::scratchinghead::scratchinghead::scratchinghead::scratchinghead::scratchinghead::scratchinghead::scratchinghead::confused::confused::confused:

Not all early prehistoric and/or neolithic humans and hominids believed in the use of cannabis. To say that all early civilization found mind altering plants acceptable is largely untrue. ...Take it from an anthropologist. (me), lol. The world was just as large and diverse thousands of years ago as compared to now. There's never been a global "pothead-ship" that we know of. However, there have always been groups, both small and large, that were "potheads" so-to-speak. But hey, here's something that's not such a downer - Our mission here IS to bring about global pothead-ship and peace and harmony. So toke on!

:bong: :Rasta: :bongrip:
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