
Obviously I am preaching to the choir with most of what I am about to say, but I just feel the need to express my ideas in words whether or not them have any substantial impact on anyone's opinion:

I have lost so much faith in American society as a result of many ignorant ideas and statements I have encountered lately. First of all, I am 19 years old and am an Independant Business Owner with a very bright future ahead of me with the help of my mentorship team comprised of very successful individuals from many different backgrounds. A side note is many of them are also marijuana enthusiasts. However my business involves teaching people to change their spending habits in order to get something in return for the money they put into the economy by promoting company products as well as creating business volume for more than 1000 corporate partners such as Circuit City, Office Depot, and Dicks amongst many other big name corporations. However many friends and family members have ridiculed me for my business opportunities saying that building a business through good monitary choices is a poor idea even though it has already started to amount to a growing wealth for me that will make my future much brighter than my poverty stricken upbringing.

I don't know why but the reasons people have expressed to me as to why they feel that I'm an "idiot" for my business choice seem to coinside with many of the same reasons why people are so ignorant about cannibus. I believe that so many people take the mainstream ideas and mindsets that have been preached to us as a society and adopted it as their own viewpoints without even considering the fact that many people make the same mistakes over and over and are so discontent with their lives and can't see the obvious reasons.

One of my friends who is so convinced that my business is a recipe for failure is in a mentorship program to become a surgen and he is so convinced that most of the poorly researched and blown out of porportion by negative propoganda facts presented about marijuana are correct and accurate. He does feel that some beneficial aspects of medical marijuana could be used however he feels that those beneficial practices are outweighed by the "legitimate concern" that medical marijuana is just an excuse for people to get high and indulge in other more dangerous substances that are "connected" to cannibus use. After a long debate we decided to agree to disagree (he is a good friend of mine so we don't want something like this to damage a friendship especially when we dont get to spend much time together anymore). I just left my argument to him as to my reasoning for using canibus as that it helps with my insomnia and anxiety and brings peace and emotional/mental wellbeing to my life. He told me that he is happy for me, but still feels it is the "cowardly" way to deal with stress and problems.

After thinking about that statement I realized that if that is truly what some ignorant people feel marijuana is all about, then I am proud to be a "coward". If peace and wellbeing makes one cowardly then I AM PROUD TO BE A COWARD. Obviously I don't believe his assesment, however I don't care about what certain people think even if it is a friend of mine. If the side of this issue someone stands on is the side that has to use scare tactics to convince one to not engage in marijuana use and then label someone as a "coward" for seeing through all the lies and distortions, then I'll gladly stand up and allow them to call me a coward. Why not? All it shows is ignorance because it shows that one who eventually runs out of scare tacts has to resort to calling someone at peace a "coward" just outlines the fear they expirence when subconciously they see that another person has a legitimate point and they simply cannot allow themselves to be wrong.

My last words:: if for no other reason, why would you trust someone who is going to make wild and innacurate connections such as the police officer who arrested me for possesing 2 grams of marijuana. For all intents and purposes he is a representitive for the government and enforces their policies and beliefs.

In his final words to me upon my release, he told me that he hopes I "recover" from my addiction because (and this is a direct quote from this particular officer) "most everyone who smokes marijuana eventually uses herion which only supports terriorsm"...

Can ANYONE...even someone apposed to medical marijuana...believe that??? That is so blatently ignorant I can't even think of a better statement than...

what the fuck?!?


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