Medical Cannabis

I have been diagnosed with Bipolar 1 and 2 over the last 6 years, but probably had it most of my life. A wonderful genetic trait passed on by either grandma, or my biological father.

I have been to 4 crazy doctors, a psychologist or 2, and been given at least 15 different medications, sometimes up to 9 pills a day.

I smoked cannabis from about 17 till I was 22, but did not smoke again until a year after I was diagnosed. It was actually my wifes idea.

I cannot say everything gets better, but I am down to 3 meds a day, plus cannabis at about 1/4 oz. a week, give or take. I don't go out unless I have smoked in the last 2 hours, hell I don't even go to the mailbox :)

Cannabis has allowed me to join back into the human race. Although with strains being inconsistent, having to buy cannabis through the black market, having a steady working supply has always been a struggle.

That's why I started my own garden. Consistency, reliability, chemical control, and the ability to grow a strain that works best for me.

I came to 420 Magazine to learn from the best, and I was not disappointed. Without the help and support everyone gave so selflessly, I could not have come this far.

:adore:Thanks Gang!:adore:


When I feel like I can't do anything anymore after working all your life, being here is as much therapy as enjoyment :)

I have a slight issue with many of the people I meet, I wanna beat the stupidity out of them :) So I stay inside pretty much all the time. I just don't trust myself anymore :) If I am good and high, I can go out in peace, and that's a good thing.
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You know mate, anger left my life the day I understood and embraced the concept of true forgiveness. It's all part of the process of enlightenment. The joy I sense in all your postings of late, is evident in your words. I think you might be ready for that next step. And do you know...the first person I forgave was myself! Then I forgave others who had harmed me. It requires a fearless and searching moral inventory. That is a toughie lol. That was the entry door to the next level.
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It's funny Moose, it's not really anger. I have never been an angry person at all. I have always used my head and words to overcome anything. As a matter of fact, it's one of the reasons people hire me to consult.

It seems to be frustration. For example, I got new tires and a state inspection for my jeep, 1600 bucks. The guy calls me and says in order to pass my inspection, I have to pay another 700 for brake repair and brake lines. being a mechanic myself when I was 18, I knew there was no way in hell it cost that much, he was just trying to rip me off.

The guy was lucky to get away with his life that day. He approached me when I picked up the jeep(Without the brake job), I told him to get away, before I broke his neck. He left.

Same thing happens in the store with some lady beating her kids and screaming at the top of her lungs at them. I usually tell the lady not to blame her miserable existence on her poor kids. This doesn't go over so well. Luckily I guess I look scary, because people generally leave me alone. But I am just 6 feet, average build, nice guy from California, must be something in the eyes :)

I will learn to deal with this one day, I think after being in the public sector for so many years, I am just jaded by the hate, sexism, racism, ageism, fascism and general stupidity that we face every day.
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I'm new here and already I already fell better talking about Medical MJ and my P.T.S.D. I'm a a EX infantry Marine from AFGHAN. and trying to go to the V.A. hospital gives me the felling of being in a cattle herd waiting to be killed!!! I hardly go out in to public with out one or more flash backs and or outburst towards people. I find it funny that the goverment has money to pay for bombs and bullets but not enough funding for the returning troops. I went to the V.A. for meds. but the stuff they put you on makes you never want to do anything and you feel like a zombie. So once again I find my self with "Marry". With "mj" I never feel zombied out and I can deal with normal society. My wife has said she has seen a big difference in the way I ack!
Thats in a good way when I'm with "Marry". I live in Wisconsin right now and they dont allow Medical Marry.
Which puts me at a bigger risk with the law. Is there anyway I could get help with this? Lots of DR.'s have said and wrote about Medical "MJ" helping war vets. with P.T.S.D. why dosent the goverment listen to them?
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Hi :} I wanted to make you aware that diet plays a HUGE roll in all of these things as well~ Look into something called Candida and really look at Everything you put into your body. Your digestive tract is where you store, or absorb the Good &, or the bad; it is also your core of Being, so it should be considered.
Have a beautiful day! Thanks for listening.
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