The Perpetual Healing Garden - SweetSue's Joyful Return

Mr. Krip;2985985 said:
Snidrajsed;2985794 said:
Hi Sue , it's time for me to make my CBD butter. I have about 35 grams of buds/trim. How much butter should I use for a medical effect for non cannabis users. My mother and sister are my patients, I don't want to scare them away from the possible benefits to their arthritis. It's 6%thc 6%cbd, please advise...your pm's aren't working or blocked. Thank you Sue


Here's how the math works:

Your 35 grams of trim is equivalent to 35,000mg. If it has 6% THC, you have a total of 2100mg of THC and the same amount of CBD (35,000 x .06).

The next question is how you want to dose it. For example, in two cups of butter there are 32 TBSP. So, if you used 2 cups, each TBSP would have 65mg of both THC and CBD (2100mg/32 TBSP).

That would probably be close to a good medical dose, but it also depends on how much butter will be in each serving of your edibles. So, if you were to make 24 cookies using one cup of butter/oil, each cookie would have 1/3 TBSP of the oil (24 cookies / 8 TBSP) or about 22mg of THC/CBD.

If you used four cups of butter instead of two to "wash" the initial 35 g of trim, all calculations above would simply be divided in half.

I would probably start a non-user at something like a 5-10mg dose, which is really a recreational dose, and let them work up to the 50+ mg dosages assuming they can handle it and their conditions warrant it.

Usually this requires a stronger butter since you don't want to tell a patient he has to eat 10 cookies 2-3 times per day! :)

I hope that helps!



Hey a very good morning to you Sweets, I think I am back, after a lot of trouble with life and then loosing my sight in the right eye and a not great left eye.
Well I continue to try and grow 😁 I had a lense replacement for the right side and I am nearly fully sighted again 😁
I will catch up with you and your loveliness ASAP
I am finding it hard to get around the new layout. But it's definitely easier to upload pictures. I just don't know how to find my old buddies.
Love and blessings to you.
🌹 🌹 🌹

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