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  • game 7 tonight puck drops in 1/2 hour. oilers poised to make history. it's gonna be good.
    Them Oilers just might pull this one off, if they only had the Great one back for one more game
    View media item 2708816
    my money's on the oilers even though it's still a long shot. they are more fun to watch than many teams. McDavid is fantastic but he's not the pinnacle of hockey. his play making will probably still be the deciding factor though.
    rippin' on some classic acapulco gold and watching a classic oilers team take apart some florida skaters ...
    up 2 goals ...
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    Reactions: JiggiLotus
    florida pulls the goalie with over 3 mins in desperation and oilers net 2 more up 5-1

    we're getting a game 7 .. could be history. no one has come back from 3 and 0 since 1942
    all tied up going to game 7 baby. best of all for the nhl. good time for western cdn hockey.
    now i got a football game sunday lol
    Football ? is the CFL still a thing? I thought that went under after Doug Flutie left
    rangers and canes have a killer ot game going.
    going to double ot. nervy game. mixes well with sativa. :cheesygrinsmiley:
    rangers win it !
    smokin for the jets tonight .. woo hoo !
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    Reactions: Canachris
    power play goal .. !! jets up 1. tight game.

    kinda sad the most action on the board tonight is me talking at myself over a playoff game lol
    J E T S jets jets jets, oh wait that's the New York jets... your talking about the Wimpy-peg jets huh ? GO Bruins, let's get the trash talking going early
    lol fell asleep before the wheels came off. they wer playing the avs.
    losing my job soon and pretty much broke for christmas .... so all my friends are getting cheap hash i made this year :p
    called my pops tonight. he's in his 80's now and chugging strong. was a good call. i like to talk to him every few days but have been tied up.

    he takes care of the flower room. told him i wanna figure something better out so he doesn't have to work so hard on them.

    told me to piss off and get them autos rolling :p
    hey Bluter, just read about the Hempy buckets that its only perlight drain to waste

    would you be able to explain to me more in depth?

    i would like to give it a wirl o_O
    you've got the basics.
    just pop by the thread in my sig. i'll be starting an auto run soon.
    i was told that you could tell me something about DIY LEDs...
    I have a lot of ideas and i can make some high quality leds with a help of a company that has made over 30 years hps lightning for factory purposes.

    so im interested in tech. like KINDLED etc.

    so can you help me at all ?

    best regards
    Toiskis from Finland
    well crap .. got a call from an old friend who bought and ran one of my led cob rigs for over 5yrs.

    his light failed while he was out of town and he called for troubleshooting.

    i built the rig with fused ac, he got a power surge, and the fuse did it's job. $1.50 later he's up and running.. :)
    Good save! Was it connected to a surge protector by chance?
    it was on a power bar. odd thing is i forgot i had fused the ac till he mentioned the power bar. i built all my rigs that way, but haven't put one together in a while. fused saves a lot of rigs.
    Eventually when I build mine, I'll have to drain your brain for wisdom. I should probably get components this year with the tax return! LOL. I don't need another project right now though! I'm drowning in to-dos...
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    Reactions: bluter
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