Recent content by pedrolyte

  1. Seeds9


  2. Seeds8


  3. Seeds_again


  4. P

    Bees - cannabis plants - pollen - honey?

    I was just wondering the other day; would bees that had access to cannabis plants make interesting honey? OK, my mind was wandering a bit, but honey from bees that have had access to various plants have various tastes and qualities, including some medicinal properties, for example; Manuka...
  5. P

    Question re. MH v Sodium v Dual Spectrum

    Hi all, If you had 2 grow rooms, one for vegging and mothers, and one for flowering, and you had one lamp for each room, would it be more efficient to have just MH in the vegging room and just Sodium in the flowering one, or Dual Spectrums in each, or any other combination? All suggestions...
  6. P

    Going to a concert and worried...

    Bah! You can't smoke indoors anywhere apart from home here in the UK! Actually it's a pretty good thing really as the air is a lot cleaner in bars and restaurants these days and you're not passive smoking a couple of packs of fags .. sorry, cigarettes(!) when you are out for the evening. Anyhoo...
  7. P

    IsoWash or BHO Storage

    I have come across the sticky stuff stored in thin plastic drinking straws; you can cut lengths of a full straw and use a match or nail to push it through as needed, like a syringe or toothpaste tube. Not sure how you get it in there, but I would imagine you could warm it and slowly pour it in...
  8. P

    Comment by 'pedrolyte' in media 'DSCN3471'

    m m mmmm! Wow .. cured to perfection!
  9. P

    Favourite munchies!

    I always have the munchies .. stoned or not! ;-)
  10. P

    Favourite munchies!

    Damn! No mangoes or cucumbers; it's a dark, damp Sunday evening and all the shops are closed, but I do have some creamy Camembert cheese with truffle butter, some soft, stinky Teleggio, some strong Canadian Cheddar, onion chutney and wheat and rye with sesame seed crackers left over from a...
  11. P

    Favourite munchies!

    Ah, thanks for that MAYAjade! Now I am hungry as well!! Right, where can I get some green Philippine mangoes!!! I take it you are chopping raw cucumber, tomato and onion, then adding lemon juice, sea salt and roast chili peppers .. salsa style? Do you char the peppers? :cheesygrinsmiley:
  12. P

    What are Compact Fluorescents and How Can I use them for Growing?

    Great info and discussion here, thanks! To see another good example of CFLs in action, check out Indoor Grow - Blueberry & Cream Caramel Fem, Dr Kran's exemplary grow journal. Good stuff!
  13. P

    Favourite munchies!

    Face is covered up because cheese wizz is illegal in the! .. Actually, it's really covered 'cause otherwise you can see right up my hairy nose!
  14. P

    Favourite munchies!

    ..Oh, must not forget one of my other food discoveries in the States .. Easy Cheese!!:drool: Cheddar'nBacon flavour! .. Although, I've got to admit that the novelty soon wore off! Cheese you can write with!! ..and build with!!!
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