• whats up ice mud, what soil mix do you use to achieve high brix? and will you ever make an in depth video to show others to grow high brix nutrient dense buds like you do, hitting those 18-22% marks, love the videos thanks you!!
    Hey icemud! I see you’ve been around since 2011, nice to see you’re back!!! Hope to see you around!
    Crazy how fast time goes by not paying attention! Gotta slow down once in a while and enjoy the now! :passitleft::cheesygrinsmiley:
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    I have the Xmas bud strain I saved seeds for over 20 years
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    @Mcvic101.... Thats awesome that you saved seeds. Have you popped any since you originally saved them? Did you get the seeds in a sack of christmas bud or did you buy them at the time? if so, what strain is it that you have? really curious as many people are looking for the christmas bud from the 90s.
    Icemud, could I shoot you a message with 1 diagram of my lightbar setup? Running something similar to your LED Overkill rig.
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    Hey I just wanted to let you know that I've been growing for about 3 years and have been learning a lot as I go through your posts and vids,and just wanted to show you some mad appreciation and respect. Keep up the great work
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    I'm sorry I never responded to your question it looks like. If you still need my assistance, I would be happy to see how I can help. Sorry for the delayed response :)
    Hey Icemud, I came across your post on searching for PTK while looking for the strain myself. I'm from Massachusetts and have a very similar memory of the strain. Back in the early 2000's the strain would show up late fall and it was by far the best weed I had tried, which wasn't hard considering all the low grade stuff around at the time. We used to call it "Christmas Trees" and it had such a memorable smell and taste. Anyways, I am very impressed with the extent of your search and look forward to getting my hands on the seeds once they're available again.
    Also curious if you have run them unpollinated? Is it the soaring 1 hit wonder we remember?...I had always thought I'd find it in sativa. Really close with old school NL5xhaze, but not quite there with that fresh Aspen wood smell...so loud opening it would permeate a room. I'm excited to here your take. Csi likely the same stock?
    Hey Jar, I have not run them unseeded/pollenated yet so I can't comment on the high. The smell of the Xmas Bud was very very piney and nothing else, like evergreen bushes. Its hard to say if its the same or not since I didn't run it female for consumption, but its the closest so far in smell that anything has come to what I remember. STill hard to say if its exactly the same, and since phenotypes can vary greatly, it very well may be the same, but with minute differences. The CSI pine tar kush is the real deal pine tar kush, hazemans is Xmas Bud. 2 separate strains. I don't know if Pine Tar Kush is going to be piney or not as there isn't much information out there on it, but I will be running it in the near future (after my sour grapes) so I will know within the next 8 months or so :)
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    That's awesome Icemud! Knowing that is enough for me. I think I'll run them both side by side expecting a lot of pheno's, backup and then select for the closest to the old school I remember and then select for that over a couple generations. I'll keep you in the loop. Man I miss everything about that herb. Thank you again for all your diligence in seeking her out
    i got it from someone who got it from Tom Hill himself. I am new to this whole thing but saw your grow journal about the PTK hunt and thought I would at least chime in and let you know your search is not in vain. The story of how I got it and what has been done with it since is worth sharing with people who have a love for this strain. I'll try and message you so I'm not posting on your page but I haven't quite figured all this out yet. Cheers
    I would love to hear the details. I ended up picking up some PTK from CSI humboldt but I have not been able to run it yet. I ran Hazeman's PTK, which actually is not PTK and is 79 Xmas Bud (which actually was what I was after). I'm still curious about the PTK though. Love to hear if you popped yours.
    Hey Ice I was looking for info on cmh lights and graytail mentioned I should talk to you. I have been considering investing in a few of them but I have not seen any grows with them and I am unsure if they are worth the price. I was wondering if you could give me your take on them or point me to which of your journals I should look at. Thanks in advance
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    Dude, sorry I never commented on this... I just saw all of these profile comments and had no idea they were even here or how to answer them until now. Anyhow, are you still looking at CMH 2 years later? LOL. I do like CMH, but haven't used the newer style ones. The ones I used were the Phillips 400w HPS ballast type which are different from the current ones on the market. CMH are excellent bulbs as they put out a decent amount of Far Red and UV. I think though that white LED's now are passing CMH in terms of output efficiency, so probably quantum boards or some COBs would be the best bet as of currently, but its been a while since I really have done much LED research as my job keeps me too busy keeping up with these crazy regulations. Hope you are well my friend, sorry it took 2 years for me to respond...LOL
    Lol its all good man! I actually ran CMH lights for a while and was happy with the way they ran. I may end up running one in one of my tents as a veg light when I get up and running again. In my flower tent I have some knock off quantum boards that I am very impressed with. By far the best yields I have gotten have come whilst using them. Thanks for getting back to e, even if it is a little late ;)
    Hey Ice,
    Been reading ur journals all the way from the v scrogg wit the 400 watt and the 600 watt running the hps and mh spectrum's to mimic the sun. I new then u were gonna do great things. You have inspired me and jus wanted to take time to let u know!! Would love to get my hands on ur crosses! LoL! Is anyone in 420 running a journal with them to c what they become? If so lmk so i can follow! Plants look good sorry to here bout ur girls not digging da dirt. Great work wit the far red!! I don't c huge difference but hey still great to watch. Won't ever know unless u try!!
    Keep em green!
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    Hey Pino! I'm so sorry that I just am seeing this now. I had no idea there were comments on my profile. I very much appreciate your kind words and for following my grows. I sure do miss my V-Scrog. I still have most of it in storage, but have too many seed projects going on as of lately to try pulling it back out. I haven't had any one on the forum run any of my gear. I have given a few close friends some beans to run, and so far everything has turned out fantastic. In the near future I may run some of my own creations, but still have a few more I want to knock out while I have my favorite strains/clones still alive. Hope all is well with you and you are still around :)
    Hey Icemud!

    Im not sure if you remember me at all, but throughout this summer I followed and commented on most of your journals. You are the first really experienced grower that I found on this site, and because of that I looked through legitimately all of your grow journals, and learned SO MUCH.

    Im back in Colorado and just started my first grow operation yesterday! I couldn't be any more excited to embark on this adventure!

    Anyways, all of that brings me to my question. I would be so thrilled if you determined it was worth your time to come check my journal out! I am already running into a few issues, and from my experience on this website and your vids, you know what you're talking about.

    So if you think you could do that, you would really help and inspire a young grower. Thanks so much in advance and have a wonderful night!

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    I just saw this Maxyields... man thank you so much for all the kind words! I try my best to be as informational as possible. I learned most of what I know from this very forum so I feel its only right to share what I learn with others. Not sure if you still are around on the forums, hows the grow going? I haven't been as active lately as most of my time is now consumed working in the legal industry as well as a compliance officer for 4 licenses... Love my job though :)
    Ice I don't know how to tell anyone this but BID passed away tonight from a blood clot in his brain. I am flying home tomorrow morning from ga I am here for my grandmothers funeral. I really don't know what else to say can you let the other guys know i don't know if i can type this out again
    hey ice mud. how it goes brotha :Namaste:
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    Hey Deege! I'm sorry I just saw this.. so I'm doing well, just 7 years older now.. LOL Hope you are well!
    sup ice ,thanks for stopping by !
    Cant continue that one ,the owner of the house wasnt to happy with my hobby :)
    Here is a new one im starting right now
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