
  1. dlchobbes

    Trimming roots

    Through a series of stupid mistakes I have allowed my plants to get rootbound in my dwc system. Can I trim the roots?
  2. S

    Will this work?

    For my indoor medical grow....I use a potting soil mixed with EWC, cocnut coir from local trees, and pumice stones. I have an endless supply of coconut water and can get molasses. I am in central America, water jungle area with no easy access to amazon shipping or many things common in...
  3. S


    Hello there, I'm Rae. I'm new to the cannabis world. I don't use on the regular and don't know enough about it to make an informed decision on what I need to do. My mother is 72 and weighs 106....she is very frail and has dementia. I am turning to cannabis to see if I can get her appetite back...
  4. Dwight Monk

    Ready to harvest or not quite yet?

    My first try at this, after putting them into shock managed to get them out of shock and actually get something besides the learning experience. Are these right at Harvest in your opinions or few more days or days past that already? Deep Purple: Dairy Queen: both plants...
  5. Far East Buds

    Light Bleaching

    So I run a T5,2x4 that draws like 480W. I had been running it at half power for the summer to avoid the heat. I recently turned it back on full power and recall I use to get bleaching of the leaves.... I was wondering how this effects the plants. It is in Veg as in flower I get a little...
  6. D

    Temperature Fluctuation Issues

    Having trouble with fluctuation issues in my rooms. I have Emerson thermostats in two of my rooms and Honeywell in one. One rooms temp schedule is 74 lights on and 68 lights off. I get a high of 90 and low of 56. What could the issue here? I need to get the fluctuation under control asap. Any...
  7. Katelyn Baker

    Straining To Care About Strains

    Walk into any weed store in Seattle, and you'll be bombarded with dozens of available strains, most boasting prog-rock names and each promising a specific experience. Chocolope, one of the 90-plus strains available at Cannabis City, promises a "dreamy cerebral effect" and "a strong mental shift...
  8. M

    Possible to get 300gr yield with 600w without LST

    i am a new growner and my first yield was 10-15gr per plant . i wish to get minumum 300gr yield if its possible to get in only 600w hps and only one time plant top cut off ?
  9. M

    Greetings from sunnyland

    hi everybody i am from antalya/Turkey. i really like this site. here are lots of good growers. time past for outdoor here. i tried 3 years ago outdoor but in a 18liter pot.this plant 2 meter hight and yield nearly one kilo . i am newbie about growing plant. i see some people here get 1 kilo from...
  10. H

    Couple of questions cloning & seeds related

    So was just wondering if anyone has used one of those King aero cloners? I have cloned with a homemade wick cloner, and cloned straight into Jiffy pellets as well. My issue is I would like to get my success rate up and at the same time having as minimal an impact on my time as possible...
  11. V

    Hello - Grow tip and sacred info from star leaf strain creator!

    :Namaste: hi guys!....i got a weird story to tell...pls bear with my long intro{its alone out here where i am}...they kinda send u to e gallows pole for 200gs here!?!{victims of reefer madness! corporate propaganda?}....i just recovered from a 30 year nightmare conjured up by h**n, m**h...
  12. M

    Hi 420

    hi 420 i'm trying to get this post in the right spot this is a really nice place - full of help! i have been lurking for a while and just signed up! i've been using cannabis medically for a couple years now and tinker with growing my own meds. 420 has helped me with that thanks. have had some...
  13. Katelyn Baker

    The Legal Cannabis Business Will Be As Complicated As Everything Else In California

    It seems likely that Californians in November will vote to legalize the recreational use of marijuana, along with a massive raft of state regulation and taxation schemes. We bribe our government to secure permission to do what we want with our own bodies. Go figure. In any event, the...
  14. A

    A little collaboration - Anything can be achieved

    Hey everyone! :thumb: I finally received my medical card and have decided to start to get into the community. I figure I might as well join in and ask questions so everyone else who needs answers also have them, and I can help people as much as I can too. The more we work together, the more...
  15. Katelyn Baker

    TN: Dozens Protest To Decriminalize Marijuana

    Nashville, Tenn. - A group supportive of the push to decriminalize marijuana in Nashville took to the streets downtown. "Green Cross Tennessee" was the group behind the event that took place Saturday. Davidson County Sheriff Daron Hall came out this week in support of a measure that would...
  16. L

    Is this spider mites?

    I noticed a few discolored leaves and the undersides of the leaves are showing little brown spots on them. I don't have the greatest magnifying tools so it's difficult to get up close to make a positive ID...I don't know of these are mites or maybe just nute burn..I'm trying to get a pic loaded
  17. Scoobynew

    Usual Coco Pots With A Twist Of NFT

    Hello everyone this will be my first journal I've been growing a long time tryd just about every way but never tryd nft so I'm going to give it a try while doing some plants in coco at the same time I usually grow decent plants but never seem to get the bigger yields like some :adore::Namaste...
  18. BonzaSeedBank

    September Sale At Bonza Seeds!

    Get a green thumb and start growing today! Plus if you buy some seeds, you get some free seeds also. We have a large selection of strains to pick from. FREE cannabis seeds - See the latest Bonza Seedbank promotions here
  19. StonedGypsy

    Cannabis Tonic distillation

    Hi all, I recently finished my first run of Cannabis Liquor or tonic that was fermented in my tent for extra CO2. The final single run product turned out to be 60 proof and smells like sweet tea, even tastes somewhat like it too. It is sweet and mellow with a tiny light green hue that hits your...
  20. J

    U.K. Case

    Hi all; just wondering if anyone from uk or knows more about uk'a stance on growing. I have 27 plants growing and if I was to ever get caught what punishment Would I get if working alone and no evidence of selling it simply saying to the court I grow 27 because I'm crap and half usually die...
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