
  1. B

    Cowboys brought me here

    Hi all, Long time lurker, 1st time poster. Cowboy builders have left me penniless with a house I can't live in so here I am. Fortunately I have a cellar... and electricity so about to embark on an adventure. Thanks for having me :thumb: Love the openness and knowledge in the community. My...
  2. A

    What size LED will be sufficient for my grow space?

    Greetings from the east coast of South Africa. We appear quite limited in options down here, so here goes... I have a tent, approx 4' x 2' - check. I am considering a 140W, a 210W or a 280W LED. They are rather expensive so I'm hoping to purchase 1 for now. I could supplement with some CFLs...
  3. seaofgreen18


    im new here my name is Ron ,Im a caregiver in Grand Rapids Michigan
  4. G

    1st time grower - Please help with diagnosis

    I am a first time grower nd so far everything has been great. I flipped my babies to 1212 about 6 days ago. The pst 2 days this one plant went from hero to zero. I am not sure what is the problem as it seems to only be affecting this one plant. Any help and guidance is greatly appreciated...
  5. L

    New California student grower!

    Hey im starting my first post here after moving into Cali from texas!! Check out the beginning of my grow journal . I wanna learn a bunch about DIY home made Nutrients and feeding .... i can use plants here and organics around my garden here in the Bay area. I have a large Aloe and access...
  6. TarheelGrower

    Tarheelgrower's 2016 Outdoor Growing Adventure - 20+ Strains

    Hello to all...its time I start my much anticipated outdoor journal. It will still be a few weeks before these babies get to bath in the rays of natural light, as I live in the mtns and the weather can be crazy here. So are a few of my babies that just popped in the last week...
  7. P

    Hi guys I am a new member here at 420

    I am new here at 420. So I thought I would introduce myself. I have been growing 9 years now. I have never had anyone to go back and forward with regarding info hints and tips etc. Only the trusty grow bible to turn to when I'm doubt. So I thought I would give 420 a go and share my...
  8. W

    Yellowing - Need help please

    hi, im new here, and to growing and my plant is having some issues i think.. i did some digging and figured out it could be nytrogen difeciency so i went and bought a fertilizer (npk 7-3-6) and gave her some today, here are some pics, what do u think guys?
  9. D

    Why auto?

    Hiya folks... A beginner here... I'm curious why do you choose to grow autoflower? From what I understand (please correct me if I'm wrong), ajutoflower plants go into flower mode automatically, not influenced by day length. Is that right? If so, why? Is the yield from auto plants...
  10. D

    Looking for Cap'n Journal

    In another forum, I saw and read a link here for a journal by Cap'n... so i came here and registered, but I cannot find his journal. Can someone point me towards it? Thanks :thanks:
  11. BlazingBill

    Update on my unknown plant

    Ok I talked a while back about a seed my son in law grew and then gave to me and I started growing it, well I wanted to show a updated pic of it now along with the old ones for those that never saw the first. I am going to cut a few clones off then when they start rooting I will take this mother...
  12. L

    Anyone here using plasma light

    Curious if anyone here uses plasma.
  13. Chew

    Hey peeps

    Hi everyone, Ive found my way here from another site. Im on my 3rd grow and i grow for my best mate who has cancer :( Your medical section looks really good here and there's one member in particular that I'm seeking help from. He helped me before. Ive tried to PM him but cant as i need 50...
  14. EventHorizon

    2 Unknown Bag Seed - Sea Soil - CFL - Tent Grow

    I'm growing the plants in a 32x32x63 Quictent I got off ebay for about $140. My lighting setup. 1x 125w 6500k/2700k 1x 100w 6500k 1x 26w 5000k 1x 50w 4500k 2x 26w 6500k 1x 24w 6400K T5HO Before I was using Schultz and Miracle Grow and people on here kept complaining about my soil.. so I...
  15. P

    Are my autoflowers flowering?

    This is my 1st grow and I dont want to miss introducing the flowering nutes and lights. What is your opinion? Here is my two lovely ladies side by side: And here are their coloas:
  16. Pigeons420

    Having some troubles

    Hi everyone. I'm having some problems with this girl here and I think it's time to pass the problem over here to the FAQ Gods and see what you guys think.
  17. B

    New grower looking for info

    Hi All, I'm new to growing and learning as i go, have got alot of helpful info on here from the users here. Thanks Where is the best forum to ask questions on here? How do you post pics?
  18. S

    Confused with yellowing plants - Help!

    Hello Guys After a successful grow a few months ago thanks to all you kind people on here helping me out I started a new grow with cbd crew critical mass and trying the scrog method, however I seem to have run in to a problem, the plants are looking yellow and not to happy at all. This is...
  19. Heraldo

    Heraldo says hi

    So yeah, hi. I've been here about 2 weeks and I hadn't introduced myself until now. How rude of me! I used to pop into a few forums here and there to do research and that kind of stuff. This year I decided to start a journal just to keep my mind busy (I've got way too much free time). I chose...
  20. Z

    New Guy - NL clone came home with some problems

    Sup fam. I'm new to the forum. Currently on my 3rd grow. Kept journals that I will transfer here eventually. Associates degree in horticulture (though they don't talk much about weed LOL) Anyways, why I'm here today.... I have three new clones in the garden that I got last week. First two are...
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