#leave issues

  1. Km021

    Help my plant

    Hi, im growing silver haze in a pot outdoor/sun and recently i have noticed that lower leaves start to drying and burning from edges and tips, first it is appeared on bigger leaves randomly all over my plant , starts to wilting inside and drops easily, now the new leaves tips also on cola start...
  2. Y

    Leaves canoeing

    Hello This is my forst time growing and i'm currently growing two, the first one is doing mighty well and the second looks a bit well, dull. It's leaves started being a lighter green over the past week and now they are canoeing, tried figuring out what it could be to no avail, wondering if...
  3. Smkriz99

    White, reddish leaves help

    Hello 420 fam!! I have ran into this problem we’re I just planted new girls and out of no where the leaves have started to turn almost white with redish spots? Is this because the light could be to High? Or what ?? I’m totally confused ??
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