
  1. Ron Strider

    Medical Marijuana Start-Up Uses Artificial Intelligence To Find Strain Best For You

    Artificial intelligence is being used to improve banking, marketing, the legal field — and now to find which one of the more than 30,000 strains of medical marijuana is best for you. Potbot uses AI to "read" through peer-reviewed medical journals to find studies on cannabinoids, the active...
  2. P

    My First Grow!

    Hello All, This is my first grow. I have been happy with how things have been going thus far. I'm running 4 different plants with 4 different strains. I just went 12/12 2 days ago, and have 3 confirmed females. The females are Grape Kush, Pineapple Chunk, and some mystery seed. I'm waiting on...
  3. Ron Strider

    ME: Portland Now Has A Pop-Up Cannabis Dinner Series

    Except for the labels on the cannabis, it looks like a Soho loft party. Natural light colors the city-block-long room in Southwest Portland, occupied by a snaking arrangement of tables set for 75 dinner guests. Nearby, a DJ spins downtempo, clubby beats, and a caterer holding a tray of...
  4. TopCola

    When do you like to harvest and why?

    This thread is for the experienced growers of 420 magazine to share their harvest techniques and when they like to harvest. This is not a thread giving advice on how or when to harvest. We have all read the numerous "when should you harvest" blogs and we don't need another one. In this thread I...
  5. MsLinda

    Has this rotted?

    This is my LSD plant which is ready to be harvested any time now. 2 of the branches look like this but the rest of the plant is ok. Should I cut this off and toss it?
  6. Detsback

    Username change

    I too would like to change my username to Mr, Sampson for security reasons. Thought i should delete my journal over again with a different alias but looks like this is a much more simple option.
  7. O

    Horticultural vinegar (20% acetic acid) to clean a glass bong?

    Has anyone tried horticultural vinegar (20% acetic acid) to clean a glass bong? I can't find information anywhere about it. The regular 5% vinegar is a pain to work with, compared to alcohol or acetone, and I'd like to avoid residues from those two. Horticultural vinegar is sold at...
  8. K

    What's wrong? Help! I am worried.. :(

    What's the problem, why are the letters like this? :( I am worried...
  9. M

    Introducing myself - New member of community here

    Hello fellow cannabis enthusiasts!! You guys can call me Stooby, a lot of people do. I'm 32, have been a medicinal cannabis user for a few years. While I have some experience around larger scale grows, I have never really participated actively in growing and harvesting my own cannabis. That...
  10. Ron Strider

    I Tried A Hemp Facial And The Relaxation Just Wouldn't Quit

    Living in Colorado in 2017 means hearing about marijuana daily: the medicinal benefits, new grow operations, and (let's face it) the recreational puff-puff pass, are all the rage right now. What we don't hear much about, however, is the actual hemp plant – a specific variety of Cannabis with...
  11. Tihoman

    Hello marijuana community

    Hello people, i come from a small country where smoking and using marijuana for recreational use is forbidden, but live in a big country where also is forbidden but it is not that strict i think, use for medicinal purpose is alowed in a form of oil. I like to smoke from time to time to...
  12. D

    Little white dots on back of leaves

    First outdoor grow. Organic raised bed. Transplanted two girls(hopefully) about a month ago. While looking at my leafs for tobacco moth caterpillars I saw these things on a bunch of leafs. They looked like small sesame seeds from the naked eye but when I zoomed my photo they looked like flies...
  13. M

    Dispensary Knowledge Needed

    I'm looking for a mentor to walk me through the process and to help me with resources like products and legal aspects of the dispensary business.
  14. M

    My leaves look like clam shells!

    Hello friends, so im a little new to the webseite and not 100% sure im posting in the right forum but ive got a few questions to ask and hopefully someone can help me out, ive been growing for a few years and never came across anything like this before. I recently started half a dozen new...
  15. M

    Please help! Male or female?

    My plants have many lil buds on top but I don't know if they are buds or sacs? They look like balls but there are also white long Strains. I am so overwhelmed and confused.
  16. Ron Strider

    CA: Huge Interest In Marijuana Opportunities In Oakdale

    Raven Sharp was one of nearly 100 people who attended a meeting Tuesday required of people interested in opening a cannabis business in the city. He, like many in attendance, has experience in the industry. Sharp opened Natural Remedies Consulting Holistic Health Services Clinic in...
  17. I

    Bag Seed Grow - Science!

    Long story short: -Bought a dime of good smoke, and sprouted 3 seeds. -Plants grew to 3 inches, looked like weed - two months. -The started to wither and the 1/2in leaves started to yellow until I hit them with some Fertilizer water I had left over from my diesel watering. Only...
  18. Ron Strider

    The Front Line Of Medical Marijuana

    The Florida Department of Health has just over a month to decide on new laws that will govern the medical marijuana industry in the state. Regardless of what ends up being implemented, one group will continue to have an uphill battle to get the medicine they prefer. Earlier this month...
  19. M

    New grower looking for opinion!

    Hi, this is my first grow and i want some opinion about my start. These babies are 14 days old white widow auto. There are looking pretty different one looking more like a sativa the other more like a indica any reason why ? My light is a 600w mh with a cool tube and is about 1 feet over them. I...
  20. L

    Greed Weed

    I stopped burning my weed a while back and only Vape now. One of my 'Freedom Haze' was getting into the light so I chopped about 4" of immature bud from it. I chopped it all up and put it in my Vaporizer and Holy Crap! It hasn't even started to get a good Frosting going yet and I'm pleasantly...
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