
  1. F

    Can cannabis get too much sun light?

    In the past when I grew up on the roof (Spain, crazy sun basically all day long) I used a sun-shade. (I can't use the sunshade any more since my cats climb on it, then fall down onto the plants and smash them..or try to climb up and into the chimney via the sun shade thing. Yeah no kidding...)...
  2. X

    Leaves curling and dying

    Gentlemen: I have a problem with my now 8 week old plants. They are two White Widows, and two Bubble Gum plants. I have them in a 36x36 shower. Each plant is in a five gallon bucket with holes drilled in the bottom and around the bottom about 1/2" on the outside, giving good drainage. The...
  3. B

    Sleep Cycle Environment Questions

    So, i'm just kind of confused/curious a little.. how does Outdoor MJ Flower and not Hermi/keep high THC potency if obviously it cannot be 100% dark outside 100% of the time due to moonlight??? Also... People say Sound-waves IE speaking to plants and playing them music can affect the...
  4. N

    Am I ready to flip into flower?

    Hi all...1st time grower. I have 6 White Widow females that I have lst\'d since the very beginning. They are 46 days into veg. It\'s about an 8-9 inch even canopy and as you can see are healthy, nice and bushy. My real problem is that I need to harvest them by Sept. 1st. Would love some input on...
  5. A

    Noob COB questions - Need help!

    So I have chosen to buy 4 Vero 29 SE 7th gen. Now for the questions. Is there any place I can order them that ship from inside Europe. I looked it up on digikey and it would cost me around 30€ for shipping and about 20€ for VAT , that's about 50€ for nothing which is almkst the price...
  6. F


    Need some help with seedlings. I soak the seeds in water, then the paper towel. Once th tap root is about at least a half inch I put them in small peat pots, but I'm loosing more then half of them before they sprout. What am I doing wrong? what's the best way to get them going? Thanks
  7. S

    Flowering times

    hello im pretty new to this ive been reading about taking plants off at 8 weeks when tricolms are more foggy looking but ive heard to let them go longer than 8 weeks what is the benefits of letting them go longer ??
  8. S

    First time grower planting tomorrow! Nutrient help

    Hi Guys, So today I checked my seeds and the roots are showing! Tomorrow I am planning on planting them (excited). I have a bunch of nutrients that I saw people recommended when growing with Coco. I assumed that I had to add them to the Coco before adding the seeds however from the recent...
  9. G

    Male or female - First time grower

    First time grower here and super confused what my plants sex is. Through online research, Im pretty sure that one of these is a male. Just not sure if the other one is. This is week two of flowering - I let them grow/vegetate for a good two solid months. I kept a close eye on them and...
  10. J


    i made gummies from coconut oil and put them in the freezer for 20min and then transferred them to the fridge for about 30 more! when they were in gummy form they left a white residue on the top (which i believe was the coco oil separating from the water/jello mix! what can i do to not have it...
  11. Cannabanana

    Cannabanana's Soil Grow Log, Various Strains, 2017, For Funsies

    May 30 2017 (took me awhile to log in properly) Alrighty then. The main grow is being mainly run and reported on by my other half, so my grow journal is more of an addendum, outlining some experiments being done along the way, mainly to see what happens and maybe learn a thing or two from...
  12. B

    Seedling growth problem

    Hey peeps So i recently planted a hindu kush and ice strains from seed all has been good the and grew some sets of leaves and cotyledons falled but now they just won't grow anymore i don't know why.. I have planted them outside at sun light from day one they all look green and healthy and i...
  13. LED209

    LED209 Gets Critical - Outdoors!

    Hello and thank you for stopping by my newest grow journal. This is going to take me "outside" of my comfort zone for sure but this dude is up to the challenge! I am in the process of moving my grow room out of my spare bedroom and making a permanent structure outside my house. In the mean time...
  14. A

    Grand Daddy Purp & Green Crack

    These plants are about 10 days old now. I was hoping someone could recommend a plant food for them as they start the vegetation phase. Grand daddy purp,& green crack. It is still very choppy weather here in New England and these plants will be grown outside. Just a few days ago it was 40 degrees...
  15. L

    Curly leaves problem

    Hi everyone! I am new and I will appreciate any help. I have 3 greenhowses and only one has a problem with curly leaves. They are curling upward and the tiny leaves on the top are curled like a snails I feed them the same, and taking care all the same way. They have been like this 2...
  16. tryan2grow1

    Autos to germ for DWC

    Mother Nature has allowed me the chance to bring some auto flowers to life. To ensure the best, strongest seedlings there are some clarifications required. My plan is to put the beans to germ directly into rapid rooters. Germ them in a warm dark environment. Now once germed I know the young...
  17. S

    1st Time LST outdoor, Should I top the plants?

    Hello, I began LST my plants yesterday, they are in a greenhouse outside. Should I cut the tops of the plants or just keep LST them around the edge of the pots? Thanks for your help!
  18. W

    I need a new grinder

    The two I have right now are getting to the point where I just about can't turn them anymore.I should try and clean them but that's time away from my weed.I know what my priorities are. ;-) I've seen the Phoenician but for a 3 and a half inch grinder and a price of $110,it's almost overkill...
  19. B

    first grow . in desperate need for help

    please i can't figure out whats wrong with them maybe it''s because i sprayed them ? please if you can help me identify the problem plus iused somthing just to be sure against bugs it containes pyrethrum 0.04% and neem oil 0.036% maybe i used too much?
  20. J

    Girl Scout, Lemon Haze, Low Rider Kush

    Hello, and welcome to my grow journal. I am new to this site, and not sure if this is being done correctly. So please bear with me. Thanks. I am currently in the seedling stage as i like to call it. Each plant only has or has started its second set of true leaves. In some of these photos you...
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