
  1. WeedHunter420

    Growing in Canada

    Hi my name is Hunter(Im a cis-female) and I’ve been growing weed for a couple years now with my boyfriend We live in Canada so our weather is pretty cold for most of the year. It’s already March and it snowed like a week ago😂 We grow inside but do not have a room just for growing, we are...
  2. Durban Poison Auto - Bulk Seed Bank

    Durban Poison Auto - Bulk Seed Bank

    Durban Poison Auto's From Bulk Seed Bank, Grown in a mixture of Coco peat, Bone meal and Worm Castings. Feeding has been strictly Molasses and Epson Salts. Week 4, flowering.
  3. Ydro93

    I'm new to this indoor growing, help

    Good evening 420 community! I have started my first indoor grow They are 3 Apple Fritter Cookies, 3 Gorilla Glues & 2 that are unknown lol. I Planted the seeds on May 5, 2019 in 2 pound pots. They are inside a 5ft x 5ft x 6.5ft tent and I believe we have a “ColoFocus” full spectrum 600w light...
  4. E

    Does this mean I shouldn't smoke weed again?

    So last saturday night i did smoke weed for the first time, out of pipe. i've smoked cigarettes or hookah before so i kind of know the inhale. but i didnt know how to use the pipe so my friend just lighted it up for me and i kept sucking it, let it in and wait few secs and let it out, so no...
  5. C


    i would like to start working out high in the morning so i can lose weight before i graduate, i recently purchased a Hoss bong with 2 percilator(or how its spelt) and im wondering if working out high and commiting to a good diet will allow me to lose the fat i need to take off and if anyone on...
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