17 Applicants Seek Medical Marijuana IDs

Jim Finnel

Fallen Cannabis Warrior & Ex News Moderator
On the first day that qualified medical-marijuana patients were allowed to seek county identification cards, 17 people turned up at the public health office near Old Town to apply.

San Diego County officials set aside a special wing in the Rosecrans Avenue office of the Health and Human Services Agency to accommodate applicants, but at midday yesterday, the information and records clerks were all but sitting idle.

“We wanted to be ready for them if they showed up en masse,” said Adrienne Yancey, an assistant deputy director for public health services.

The county scheduled 26 appointments through this week and was also accepting walk-in patients for the cards, designed to help police and sheriff's deputies distinguish between legitimate patients and recreational marijuana smokers or illegal dealers.

San Diego County sued California in 2006 over the issue but lost in Superior Court and on appeal. California's Supreme Court and the U.S. Supreme Court declined to hear the case, leading to issuance of the cards.

News Hawk: User: 420 MAGAZINE ® - Medical Marijuana Publication & Social Networking
Source: SignOnSanDiego.com
Copyright: 2009 The San Diego Union-Tribune, LLC
Contact: Contact info for the San Diego Union-Tribune and SignOnSanDiego.com
Website: 17 applicants seek medical-marijuana IDs
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