2nd week of flowering is this a male?


New Member
Hey everyone this is my first grow and I'm in my second week of flowering and I'm not sure if my plant is a male or female.. I see two hairs that are shaped like a "v" but it also looks like its growing little balls. Pics are at bottom.

I had a buddy of mine come over and take a look he said that it started off growing bud but because somewhere along the line it got stressed so its growing bud and pollen sacs. So I guess he's saying his a hermie now. Does anyone kno how that works. Will I get all seeds or bud that has a lot of seeds in it?
to be honest you never know what your going to get with a hermie , Partners of mine have growing them in the past before and grown some great bud , bud sadly yes the down side is the seeds and it can range from a few seeds to your whole plant bud being riddled with them.
Hermies are usually from unstable genetics passed on from mother & father to seed. And can also be caused by stress
Pollinated hermie seeds are always unpredictable from my experience.

By the looks of the picture that Hermie is not worth the effort. it looks like dominately male and will no doubt produce little bud. the only hermies ill ever consider saving are ones that have very very very very little signs of male gens and even then your still living on a prayer.

SO thats it guys hoped my input helps , mind the spelling ;)

Lots of great info thanks everyone I appreciate it. Ill probably get rid of it.. The seeds that come from it will it be worth harvesting them to grow in the future?
Whether they're the seeds would very worth a anything or not would depend on your appreciation of the strain that the are. Is this a kick-ass strain that YOU like? If so then maybe they're worth it but you have to take into consideration, the risk vs reward. Are these seeds easy to come by? If so then why risk scraping the whole crop into seed when you can easily just get more. From what I understand though, hermie seeds are supposed to be female seeds. Meaning a male didn't take part in the deal so there's not supposed to be any way for the seeds to be male. DO NOT TAKE WHAT I JUST SAID AS FACT. That's just my understanding of it so ask a pro from this forum or Google it to be sure that I'm not leading to believe something that's not 100% accurate.
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