
I'm have a 420 bag going, what I do is me and my friends take a pinch of each bud we buy and put it all in one bag and a 4:00 we will start grinding up the weed and rolling joints and at 4:20 we will put on some Bob Marley and everybody lights there own joints and we hotbox my bedroom.
I have to work all day - bummer!

So I plan on getting ridiculously stoned before I leave for work. Then racing home after work to get home by 4pm so I can have a nice fat joint rolled for 4:20!!!! And not stopping until I go to bed!

Plus I've been getting some great oil lately, so I have a travel kit that fits in my smoke pack that I take to work. I can stealthily smoke hoots throughout the day without anyone noticing:bongrip:
Gonna start my day smelling and hugging my plant.


Be enjoying this during the day.

Happy 420 everyone!!!:roorrip::peace:
Happy 420 everyone !!!
Happy 420 guys!!

I started my day with a Blue Dream wake-n-bake...off to work with a supply of brownies to keep my good and toasted ALL day :grinjoint:

I hope everyone has a wonderful 420 :ganjamon: :bongrip:

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