4 days 12/12


New Member
So this is my plant 4 days 12/12 stilll nothing well at least i dont see anything doesnt even realy look like the plant is still growing tell me what you think.....

The first thing you will notice in the "stretch". During the first 3 weeks of flowering the plant will more than double in height.
Also during the 1st 2 weeks the males will express sex by growing "balls" (pollen sacs). Get rid of these IMMEDIENTLY.
At the end of 2--3 weeks the females will start to grow buds.

What kind of light(s) are you using?
right now all im using is 2 cfls its all i have and im hoping its enough which i know it realy isnt but its working so far.....
well a good rule of thumb is the more lights the more bud ecspecially with cfls. if your sticking with cfls get as many as possible and place them all around the plant to get the most light to the bud sites. but you can always find a cheap 70w hps on ebay which would be perfect for one plant.
No offence meant, but the light intencity of a 70 watt HPS starts to deminish exponentially when you get more than about 8" from the bulb. Better to have 5 or 6 cfl's surounding your plant than one small HPS.
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